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They were not far north of the Canary Islands, when the sky, which for several days had been overcast, grew very threatening, and the Mere Honour, the Cygnet, the Marigold, and the Star made ready to meet what fury the Lord should be pleased to loose upon them. It came, a maniac unchained, and scattered the ships. Darkness accompanied it, and the sea wrinkled beneath its feet.

"No; we will lie down, cover up the holes, and lash them carefully when we are in. It is going to be a drencher, and it is of no use our getting wet through to begin with. We could not do anything with the paddles." They had scarcely made themselves snug when, with a roar, a deluge of rain fell on the deck and cover, and a moment later even this sound was partly deadened by the howl of the wind.

She showed her affection so fearlessly with such tender and discerning trust that his worst struggles were in solitude not in her presence at all. These trials now for even a sense of humour could not make them less than trials were ended.

"Some tribes of Indians, I have been told, are encamped not far from this spot," said the missionary through his interpreter. Petawanaquat admitted that such was the case, and that some lodges of Indians were pitched in the mountains not two days' march from his tent. The missionary entered the wigwam and sat down.

They began, as they are apt to do, with lessons in a private house, where a lady taught several other children, and where he possibly learned to read; though he could only remember being set on a platform in punishment for some forgotten offence.

"A Christian Judge in a free country should respect, on every occasion, those popular institutions of Justice, which were intended for his control, and for our security.

Whilst we were contemplating the tempest from the balcony of Madame S , a ball of fire fell very near us, and filled the room with a sulphureous stench. A servant soon afterwards entered, almost breathless, to inform his mistress, Madame R , who was of the party, that the fire-ball had penetrated her house, which was close adjoining, without having effected any injury.

There 'adn't been the time for anyone to get away, let alone a hold chap, and I made sure he warn't crouching down by the well, nor nothink. Next thing I hear master cry out somethink 'orrible, and hall I see was him hanging out by the rope, and, as master says, 'owever I got him up I couldn't tell you. 'You hear that, Gregory? said Mr Somerton.

"How," replied one of them, "do you live in Bagdad, and know not that this is the house of Sindbad the sailor, that famous voyager, who has sailed round the world?" They deserve a passing word of remark. Mr. Richard Hole of Exeter, about a century since, wrote a treatise upon them.

On the one side, with her mask in hand, stood the presiding divinity of comic poetry, coaxing the immortal hero of the sock and buskin with her archest smiles; while on the other stood Melpomene, rapt in solemn thought, and with eyes upraised in gloomy grandeur, pointing the actor to a loftier walk than that of her witching sister Thalia.