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He avoided the company of either of his brothers, from an idea that the Dwarf was most propitious to those who visited him alone. "The creature," said he to himself, as he went along, "is no neighbourly; ae body at a time is fully mair than he weel can abide. I wonder if he's looked out o' the crib o' him to gather up the bag o' siller.

"Am I Robin Telfer, of the Valley of Yarrow, and yet canna shake aff my silly dreams?" "Weel, my lad," quoth the queen of the fairies, giving him a smart tap with her wand, "stir yersel', and be at work; for naebody idles in Elf-land." Bewildered Robin ventured a look at the little queen.

They're no sae weel in the warld as they have been; but we're a' subject to ups and downs in this life, as your honour must needs ken, but is not the tobacco-reek disagreeable to your honour? 'By no means, ma'am; I am an old campaigner, and perfectly used to it. Will you permit me to make some inquiries about a family in this neighbourhood?

Weel, there'd be trouble, once in sae often, aboot how they should gae on. None of them liked tae open the show; they thocht they were too good for that. And so they were, all of them, bless their hearts. There was no a bad act amang the lot. But still some one had to appear first! And some one had to give orders.

"Weel, Will," said his Lordship, "I do not ask thee to steal for me old Leddie Gibson. I dare not. You understand me; but I am to save your life; and I tell thee that, if that big-wigged personage be not, within ten days, safely lodged in Græme's Tower, my lands of Coberston will find a new proprietor, and your benefactor will be made a lordly beggar." "Fear not, my Lord," replied Will.

'The beasts and the craps cudna weel du wi' less; and there was aye oor mither to see efter hiz! 'That's true, lassie! I only houp it wasna greed at the hert o' me! At the same time, wha wud I be greedy for but yersels? Weel, and what's it a' aboot? What garred ye come to me aboot Francie? I'm some feart for him whiles, noo 'at he's sae muckle oot o' oor sicht.

"If Blackbeard should sink the Revenge instead of Master Bonnet sinking him," he said to himself, "and would be kind enough to maroon my old master an' me, it might be the best for everybody after all. Master Bonnet is vera humble-minded an' complacent when bad fortune comes upon him, an' it is my opeenion that on a desert island I could weel manage him for the good o' his soul."

I gave him a wipe about that, if you noticed; I can say anything to Pate-in-Peril Indeed, he is my wife's near kinsman. 'But your advice, provost, said Alan, who perceived that, like a shy horse, the worthy magistrate always started off from his own purpose just when he seemed approaching to it. 'Weel, you shall have it in plain terms, for I am a plain man.

Suddenly his attitude and expression changed; he read over and over one piece of paper, and every time he read it he looked at it more critically and with a greater satisfaction. "Andrew Starkie," he said, "where did you buy this?" "Weel, James, I bought it o' Laidlaw Aleck Laidlaw.

The drunken ne'er do weel had given Bessie much to put up with. Oh, yes! she was to be plagued out of her life by Isaac's belongings, and he wouldn't do a pin's worth for her. Just let him see next time, that was all. Isaac smoked vigorously through it all. But she was hammering on a sore point. 'Oh, it's just like yer! Bessie flung at him at last in desperation.