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The little tin bath they had brought from India for the voyage stood in a corner. It was filled, while Fay, wrapped in a Turkish towel, sobbed more quietly, ejaculating between the gurgles: "Nasty hat, nasty Engliss Ayah. I want my own deah Ayah!" When the bath was ready poor Meg again approached little Fay, but Fay would have none of her. "No," she wailed, "Engliss Ayah in nasty hat not wass me.

"You see I've brought the boys back to you again, Jacob," said the hunter. "But what reckless lads they've become," grumbled Mynheer Huysman. "I can see the mischief in their eyes now. They wass bad enough when they went to school here und lived with me, but since they've run wild in the forests this house iss not able to hold them." "Don't you worry, Jacob, old friend.

The Starfall was a long way down scale from the pleasure houses of the upper town. Here strange vices were also merchandise, but not such exotics as Wass provided. This was strictly for crewmen of the star freighters who could be speedily and expertly separated from a voyage's pay in an evening.

This way it might have kept going on for forty years, only it came about that my grandfather's youngest child him that was my father fell sick, and seemed like to die. "Well, when my grandfather heard that bad news, he wass in a terrible way, to be sure, for he would be longing to hold the child in his arms, so that his heart was sore and like to break.

She wass a widow unt besides she had a leetle pâtisserie which her man had left her." "I see avarice was your undoing. And you caught a tartar!" "A teufel!" repeated Pelletan. "A fiend! Oh, what an end to t'e tream! I worked oh, how hard I worked sweating at t'e ovens, efery hour of t'e twenty-four for t'e ovens must not pe allowed to cool.

By no means! The spirit of mischief was still strong upon him, and he crept into the bushes to meditate. "It wass an evil speerut, Shames," gasped Donald Bane, when he had nearly got rid of the egg. "Did you smell his preath?" "No, Tonald, it wass not. Spirits are not corporeal, and cannot handle eggs, much less cram them down a man's throat. It wass the egg you did smell."

She seemed quite to forget herself, and the fact that she might perish on the bleak plains along with her father did not seem even to occur to her. "It wass madness to come here, whatever," said the poor old man, as he cowered over the small fire, which his son Fergus had kindled before leaving, and which Elspie had kept up with infinite labour and difficulty ever since.

And then he will go on, 'If a shepherd wass counting his sheep, and there wass one short, does he not go out to the hill to seek for it? and I will see my father coming back with that lamb that lost its mother.

"Angus wass one of the 'Men, and saw what wass hidden from me, and he will be saying, 'Oh yes, they said their lesson fery pretty, but I did not see them tremble, Lachlan Campbell. Another iss coming, and seven is a goot number.

Miss White was acting very well indeed; though she was more concerned about herself than her father. "I wass to say to you," Christina explained with some difficulty, "that if you wass saying that, Sir Keith had a message sent away to your father, and you wass not to think any more about that.