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"He's a good climber," said Sue. "If you had a monkey, Mrs. Golden, he could reach things down from the high shelves for you, when your son goes off after leg-legacies." "I'm afraid, dearie, that a monkey would be more bother than he was worth to me, just to lift things down off high shelves," laughed the old lady. "Wango is a lively chap, though." "What's this about a legacy?" asked Mr.

If ill comes of it, I am not to blame. You must go in as Doll Wango that is, as a character in the masque to be enacted to-night d'ye mark?" Nance signified that she perfectly understood him. The whole of this hurried discourse, conducted in an under-tone, passed unheard and unnoticed by the bystanders.

"No not yet not yet, good porter, till my claim be adjusted," cried another woman, pushing forward, quite as young and comely as Nance, and equally gaily dressed. "I am the real Doll Wango, though I be generally known as Dame Tetlow. The squire engaged me to play the part before the King, and now this saucy hussy has taken my place. But I'll have my rights, that I will."

As will be seen, it was full of ellipses and was fragmentary in its character, though completely effective in fact: Know all men by these Presents, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. "Beat the drums, you niggers!" he cried, and patted Totimalu's shoulder. "Come and join the royal party, gentlemen, and pay your respects. Shake! That's right." Thus was Pango Wango annexed.

They looked up at the furry figure, on the top shelf of the candy store, and Bunny said: "Why, it's only Wango, Mr. Winkler's monkey! I guess he broke loose from his chain." "Yes, it's Wango!" echoed Sue. "Come down, Wango!" she called, for both children had often petted the queer little monkey. Wango accidentally dropped one of the lollypops he held.

He dropped the egg beater, which fell to the floor with another clatter and clang, and then the monkey began climbing down the shelves. He had almost reached the old sailor, his master, when the front door of the hardware store opened to allow a new customer to come in. Whether this frightened Wango, or whether he thought he had not yet had enough fun, no one knew.

The taking of Pango Wango had not been, I fear, a moral victory. Van Blaricom was smoking a cigar, and was writing on a piece of paper, using the back of a Pango Wango man as a desk. The Queen's garments were chiefly variegated bath-towels, and she was rubbing her beaming countenance and ample bosom with hair-oil and essence of new-mown hay.

"So I got this long chain, and I'm going to fasten one end of it to a collar, to go around Wango's neck, and tie the other end of the chain to the porch railing, so he can't get away. Then I can let Wango stay outdoors when the weather is good, and he will get well. At night I will put him in his cage again." "And the chain won't let him run away," commented Bunny.

"Do you want me to climb the tree and get your monkey for you?" asked the boy. "I'll do it, if he doesn't bite." "Oh, he doesn't bite Wango is very gentle," said Mr. Winkler. "But can you climb that high tree?" "I've climbed higher ones than that," was the answer. "And ropes and poles and the sides of buildings. I can climb almost anything if I can get a hold.

"You never know what Wango thinks he's doing," said Miss Winkler. "But I'm glad I caught him in time. There wouldn't have been a cookie left if he had got his paws in the jar." "Are there any cookies left now, Miss Winkler?" asked Bunny, with a funny little side look at his sister. "Oh, yes, there's a whole jar full," answered the sailor's sister.