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Macaulay explained to Tom that he must learn to study without the solace of bread-and-butter, to which he replied, 'Yes, Mama, industry shall be my bread and attention my butter. But, as a matter of fact, no one ever crept more unwillingly to school.

I don't think you ought to say nasty things of that sort, Aunt Church, for if you do I may be able to " Aunt Church fixed her glittering black eyes on Susan. "Come here, child," she said. Susy went up to her somewhat unwillingly. "My bark is worse than my bite," said old Mrs. Church.

A beautiful landscape, with the corn bright in it, but not abundant. Patches of poor rye where corn should have been, patches of poor peas and beans, patches of most coarse vegetable substitutes for wheat. On inanimate nature, as on the men and women who cultivated it, a prevalent tendency towards an appearance of vegetating unwillingly a dejected disposition to give up, and wither away.

"And you really mean," she continued, with obvious disapproval, "that I am to send this?" "I do not usually waste my time," Peter Ruff reminded her, mildly, "by giving you down communications destined for the waste-paper basket." She turned unwillingly to her machine. "Mr. Fitzgerald is very much better where he is," she remarked. "That depends," he answered.

Rei, the Priest of Amen, the Master Builder, began his story unwillingly enough, and slowly, but soon he took pleasure in telling it as old men do, and in sharing the burden of a secret. "The Queen is fair," he said; "thou hast seen no fairer in all thy voyagings?" "She is fair indeed," answered the Wanderer. "I pray that she be well-mated and happy on her throne?"

Having been carefully examined by the lawyer, as well as the other documents in the vicar's possession, all appeared so clear and conclusive, that he unwillingly acknowledged to his employer, in a whisper, that there was no chance of setting the will aside.

You must, therefore, pardon the freedom with which I demand your attention; your feelings, I know, will bestow it unwillingly, but I demand it of your justice. "Two offenses of a very different nature, and by no means of equal magnitude, you last night laid to my charge. The first mentioned was, that, regardless of the sentiments of either, I had detached Mr.

"Don't dare to quibble. Look me in the eye." There was a third degree fatality about the usually debonair Penny that exacted obedience. George unwillingly looked him in the eye, and had a ghastly feeling of having his suddenly realized smallness X-rayed. "You know damned well you acted like a cad," Penny continued, "and I want to know, for all our sakes, if you're man enough to own it?"

The sentence was mercy as well as judgment; it was better that they should live in the wilderness, and die there by natural process, after having had more education in God's loving care, than that they should be driven unwillingly to a conflict which, in their state of mind, would have been but their butchery.

Somewhat unwillingly I must for the present leave these special views without consideration, because I wish to bring out still more plainly the various attitudes of the evolutionists to morality, and especially to draw attention to a view very different from those just mentioned, though not altogether without support in Darwin, which, as put forward some years ago by the late Professor Huxley , produced no little flutter in scientific dovecots.