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He had unconsciously dropped the prefix of "Cousin." "We've been working hard lately." "Is she going with you on your tour?" "I don't know. I wish she could go, but I haven't the heart to drag father or Aunt Francesca along with us, and otherwise, it would be well, unconventional, you know. The conventions make me dead tired," he added, with evident sincerity.

Gracie Dennis was in the hall, dressed for the street. "Ah," said the doctor, "I am either fortunate or unfortunate, I wonder which? I had set my heart on having you for a companion to what I fancy may be a unique entertainment. Is there another engagement in the way? I know this is a most unconventional method, but a doctor is never sure of his time."

I can't think what possessed Twombly to let me have such a ridiculous animal!" Mary showed no sign that she was conscious of anything unconventional or unlooked for in her conduct.

Neither poetic or outlandish costume, nor the impossible language put into the mouths of their creations by the old bards, makes the unconventional woman. There is, in truth, a conventionality about these very things, only it is antiquated. It is not a woman's dress or phraseology that makes her an ideal or an inspiration, but what she is herself.

"A very pretty stratagem," said Simon Orts; "unconventional, I must confess, but it is proverbially known that all's fair in love." At this Lady Allonby came to him, catching his hand. "There is only you, Simon. Oh, there is no hope in that lustful devil yonder. But you are not all base, Simon.

It is certainly unconventional and er probably not quite wise, but remember Miss Mayo's unusual upbringing " "I am not forgetting her unusual upbringing," interrupted Lady Conway. "It has been deplorable. But nothing can excuse this scandalous escapade.

Carson cannot at once be so fierce that he can kill in what he considers a good cause, and yet so meek that he must argue in what he considers a bad cause. Obedience or disobedience, conventional or unconventional, a solicitor's letter cannot be more sacred than the King's writ; a blue bag cannot be more rational than the British flag.

'I must say my daughters get more and more surprising every day, she remarked, impelled to offer some sort of conventional apology for her children's unconventional behaviour. 'They are charming girls, he said briefly. On the surface of her profound relief and joy there played like a flying fish the thought: 'Was he meaning to call in any case? Was he on his way here?

"I think that is one of his of his charms that you don't know what he is going to say. I get so tired of talking to people who say just what you know they are going to say just what some one else has just said and what some one else will say to-morrow. It is like reading an advertisement." "Lois, you must not be so unconventional," said Mrs. Wentworth.

And she said the oddest things in the most unconventional way, skirting sometimes unfathomable abysms of thought, where I had hardly the courage to set foot.