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His buggy boy, Cornelius Twombly, a black imp of twelve, who carried a razor in his hip pocket, wore also the smug look of one who has caddied to victory, and won certain nickels and dimes from another caddie upon the main and minor issues of the match. As Fulton climbed out of his rickety, clattering runabout, Mrs.

I can't think what possessed Twombly to let me have such a ridiculous animal!" Mary showed no sign that she was conscious of anything unconventional or unlooked for in her conduct.

J.H. Twombly, Rev. George Allen, Rev. T.W. Higginson, Rev. Peter Ross, Rev. William H. Sanford, Rev. Samuel Souther, Dr. Joseph Sargent, Dr. William Workman, Dr. O. Martin, Dr. T.H. Gage, Marcus Barrett, Warren Williams, Thomas L. Nelson, Hartley Williams, Edwin Draper, S.A. Porter, Jonathan Day; SECRETARIES: Charles E. Stevens, D.A. Goddard, Joseph H. Walker.

The details of his adventure daily grew more indistinct; the picture was becoming a mere outline; it was fading away. He might have been able in the course of time to set the whole occurrence down as a grotesque dream, if he had not now and then beheld Deacon Twombly driving by the bank with Mary attached to the battered family carry-all. Mary was a fact not easily disposed of.

I sent Cornelius Twombly to do some chores." "I'll drive you down," said Evelyn, "having a telegram to send." "And I'll stay and help Lucy unpack," I said. "Lord, people, I'm glad you're not going!" The moment we were alone Lucy said: "You did it." "Did what?" "Don't beat about the bush! Don't pretend that you are not a blessed angel in disguise!" Her face was very grave and lovely.

All went well till the last week in October, when, on taking the census one morning, a turkey was found to be missing; the thirty-one had become thirty since nightfall the previous evening. It was the first one we had lost. We proceeded to look for traces. Our suspicions were divided. Tom thought it was "the Twombly boys," nefarious Sam in particular. I thought it might have been an owl.

"Was I very brazen," she said, "to ask you to go with me, when I didn't want to be alone?" "You were not," I said, "it was sweet of you. I loved it." Cornelius Twombly lunged from the black shadow of a cedar tree and went to the horse's head. "Good-night, Lucy. Good luck!" Just then we heard John calling. "That you, Lucy? You're late. I was getting anxious."

I can only say, judging from their work, that they were all great, but if I were compelled to particularize, I should mention the names of Tompkins, Peters, Hull, Beck, Twombly, Richards; in fact, I would have to mention each team year by year. To them I attribute the success of Yale's football in my time, and for many years after that to the unfailing zeal and devotion of Walter Camp.

Ogden Goelet , and Mrs. Daniel Butterfield . On the next block, Charles F. Hoffman , and August Hecksher ; and between Fifty-first and Fifty-second, William B. Coster , William B.O. Field , and Robert Goelet . Then, on to the Plaza, comes the sweep of the houses of the Vanderbilts, and the residence of Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler , Samuel Untermeyer , F. Lewisohn , H. McK. Twombly , William Rockefeller , Mrs.

The wind blew blithely on this hilltop; it filled his lungs and exhilarated him like champagne; he set spur to the gaunt, bony mare, and, with a flourish of his hand to the peaked roof of the Nautilus Bank, dashed off at a speed of not less than four miles an hour for it was anything but an Arabian courser which Lynde had hired of honest Deacon Twombly.