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Traill sketched Bobby's story broadly, and to a sympathetic listener; and the soldier told the landlord of the animals that had lived and died in the Castle. Parrots and monkeys and strange dogs and cats had been brought there by regiments returning from foreign countries and colonies.

For fuller treatment, Green, ch. 2; Traill; Gardiner, etc. LITERATURE. General Works. Jusserand; Ten Brink; Mitchell, vol. I, From Celt to Tudor; The Cambridge History of English Literature. Special Works. Ballads. Texts, Translations, etc. Language.

Men of standing in business, legal and University circles, considered it an honor and a duty to bring their knowledge and responsibility to bear on the pettiest police cases. It was morning before Mr. Traill had the glimmer of an idea to take with him on this unlucky business.

What they did was to strike against the hard rock of party government which was too adamant to receive the evidence sown by these gardeners. Dr. Anthony Traill, who was one of the Commissioners, has in this very year of grace been made Provost of Trinity, and from what I saw of him I am certain he will be the apostle of fair play between undergraduates and dons.

And I see no cats, Mr. Brown." "Ye wullna see ony as lang as the wee doggie is leevin' i' the kirkyaird. An' the vermin hae sneekit awa' the first time sin' Queen Mary's day. An' syne there's mair singin' birdies than for mony a year." Mr. Traill had listened, unseen. Now he came forward with a gay challenge in broad Scotch to put the all but routed caretaker at his ease.

For his conduct to his wife his memory has been scourged by Thackeray and by his latest biographer, Mr. H. D. Traill. It cannot be too severely scourged.

This then is the Tragedy which, like some insect in the heart of the rose, had eaten its way into the romance of Sally Bishop. For three days after Traill had left her, she broke under the flood of her despair. For those three days she did not move out of her rooms, taking just what nourishment there was to be found in the cupboards where they stored the food for their breakfasts.

Tammy ventured the opinion that it might be some kind of a cart for lame laddies to ride in. "A picnic is when ye gang gypsying in the summer," Mr. Traill explained. "Ye walk to a bonny green brae, an' sit doon under a hawthorntree a' covered wi' posies, by a babblin' burn, an' ye eat oot o' yer ain hands. An' syne ye hear a throstle or a redbreast sing an' a saucy blackbird whustle."

The strange woman has no fascination for me now." Two years and a half had passed since Traill had said that. Now Devenish had dropped in again for the third or fourth time and found them, still together, but with a vague and subtle difference upon it all, to which his astute mind had assigned the reason which Sally only, beside himself, was aware of. Traill was tiring.

Traill continued his gymnastics with the shirt, forcing studs through obdurate holes, fastening links and muttering under his breath. "I thought we might have dined together and taken the little lady to a music hall, like we did before. How long ago was that?" Traill tramped into the other room and came out, struggling with a collar. "Oh, last September, wasn't it?"