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She got up from her seat and went out quickly on tiptoe as she heard a door open and close beneath her in the house, running over in her mind any preparations that she would have to make if the rider were one that needed shelter. As she looked down the staircase, she saw a maid there, who had run out from the buttery, talking to a man whom she thought she knew.

No; the old nurse entering on tiptoe, with a face of mystery, and a finger confidentially placed on her lips. "I beg your pardon, ma'am," she began in a whisper. "I think you ought to know that my young lady has a purpose in taking you out with her this evening. She is burning with curiosity like all the rest of us for that matter.

Curiosity controlled her actions entirely for the few next minutes. And so she observed the marauder rise up, carefully balance himself on the slates of the veranda roof, and tiptoe away to the corner of the house. He did not come near her window; nor could she see his face. His outlines were barely visible as he drifted into the shadow at the corner soundless of step now.

Wragge, on their leaving the vehicle. The captain's reception of his wife was not characterized by an instant's unnecessary waste of time. He looked distrustfully at her shoes raised himself on tiptoe set her bonnet straight for her with a sharp tug -said, in a loud whisper, "hold your tongue" and left her, for the time being, without further notice.

He did it on tiptoe, aware that this mysterious and suggestive way of walking has a marked effect on children in the dark. "I did not shoot it," he said, "because I lived with it. It was the most extraordinary tiger that was ever known " "In India?" "In the world. And I ought to know, because, as I say, I lived with it for days " "Inside it?" "Nearly, but not quite.

"Because you have the teachers' side, and that's always nicer, to begin with, than the girls' side," answered Cordelia Running Bird. "You know the teachers never walk whole-feet when you are scrubbing. If they have to go by, they walk tiptoe, and their toes are sharp and clean and do not make big tracks.

My preserver's potion does wonders, I assure you. Have you flowers and oak-leaves enough?" "I should think so." At the last words the door opened and Bessie cautiously entered the room, walking on tiptoe as she had been told, went up to Henrica, received a kiss from her, and then asked eagerly: "Cousin Henrica, do you know?

He stood there trembling for about ten minutes, and then, as nothing 'appened, he walked slowly upstairs agin on tiptoe, and as soon as they heard the door creak Peter and Ginger made that bed do everything but speak. "Is that you, Bill?" ses old Sam, in a shaky voice, and standing ready to dash downstairs agin.

When the work of taking down the canoes and carrying them to the water began, expectation was on tiptoe, but, strange as it may seem, not a rat was to be seen. This unexpected development was mystifying. They had all disappeared; there was not one in any of the canoes, as investigation proved, for disappointment instigated a most thorough search.

'I only know that I'm a heavy sleeper at first, and a light one towards morning; and if Mr Gills had come through the shop near daybreak, though ever so much on tiptoe, I'm pretty sure I should have heard him shut the door at all events.