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In the married state, for instance, these women have retained their own name, not even being addressed as Mrs., that after all is a polite variation of the Spanish "de," which does not by any means indicate noble birth alone, women after marriage proudly announcing themselves as legally possessed.

The great, occasionally interrupted, and prolonged contest between Rome and Carthage was a sustained effort on the part of one to gain and of the other to keep the control of the Western Mediterranean. So completely had that control been exercised by Carthage, that she had anticipated the Spanish commercial policy in America.

"Don't remember his name. He was a Mexican." "Must have been one of the camps of Antonio Valdez." "Yes, that's it. That's the name." "Only he runs his sheep in the Galiuros," she demurred. "Is it the Galiuros? Those Spanish names! I can't keep them apart in my mind." She laughed with hard, young cruelty. "It is hard to remember what you never heard, isn't it?" The man was on the rack.

In her secret apartment she wept bitterly. Marguerite of Savoy. Sudden change of prospects. An heir to the Spanish throne. Rejection of Marguerite. Mazarin communicates with the Duchess of Savoy. Private interview of Mazarin and the Duchess of Savoy. Conduct of the king. Movements of Mazarin. Power of the cardinal. Mary exiled from the court. Mary's parting with the king. The Isle of Pheasants.

He excavated the earth beneath the King's feet by a more subtle process than that practised by the most fraudulent monarch that ever governed the Spanish empire, and Philip, chain-mailed as he was in complicated wiles, was pierced to the quick by a keener policy than his own.

Between hope and fear, I am in such a distracted state at this moment, I hardly know what I say. What shall we do about the Spanish lady?" "Do, my dear madam! we can do nothing at all in that case: but I will hope the best, and you'll see that he will prove a constant man at last. In the mean time, how was all that about Sir John Hunter, and what are you to do with him?"

He declared, besides, that the Spanish war had absorbed so much of Napoleon's effective military strength that not more than two hundred thousand men were available for use in central Europe, and that Austria alone, with her new armaments, would be a match for any army the French emperor could lead against her, at least in the first stages of a war.

But this is very hazardous. "We do not mean to receive laws from the King of Spain, nor the Archduke . . . . The Spanish proceedings do not indicate peace but war. One must not take it ill of us that we think these matters of grave importance to our friends and ourselves. Affairs have changed very much in the last four months.

There we remained a whole year, at the end of which my pupil being recalled by his father, I quitted my office, and stayed behind, by the advice of a certain Spanish grandee, who took me into his protection, and introduced me to another nobleman, who was afterwards created viceroy of Peru.

The Spanish court was poor; and the prior, Perez, and two merchants, named Pinzono, were obliged to advance seventeen thousand ducats towards fitting out the armament. Columbus procured a patent from the court, and at length set sail from the port of Palos, in Andalusia, with three ships, on August 23, in the year 1492.