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Ordinary English traders we find fighting Spanish war ships in behalf of the Protestant faith. The cruisers of the Spanish Main were full of generous eagerness for the conversion of the savage nations to Christianity.

He continues to shake all the while Conchita's response is being delivered; though her first words would assure, and set his nerves at rest, could he but understand them. But he knows not his fate, till it has passed through the tedious transference from one language to another from Spanish to his own native tongue.

I stopped, and speaking Spanish to him, asked how he had acquired the Spanish language. "I have been in Chili, sir," said he in the same tongue, "and in California, and in those places I learned Spanish." "What did you go to Chili for?" said I; "I need not ask you on what account you went to California." "I went there as a mariner," said the man; "I sailed out of Liverpool for Chili."

If it had been joined on that day, or the next as Philip and Medina Sidonia fully expected by the Duke of Parma's flotilla, the invasion would have been made at once. If a Spanish army had ever landed in England at all, that event would have occurred on the 7th August.

Poor man! in Spain it is so natural for love to come in at the window! During the interval, it seems, he came and walked in the passages. This I learned from the chief secretary of the Spanish embassy, who also told the story of a noble action of his.

Along the walls were joined-work chests for linen and napery, of brass-bound oak one a black, old, tragic sea-chest, carved with grim faces and weird griffins, that had been cast up by the North Sea from the wreck of a Spanish galleon of war. The floor was waxed in the French fashion, and was so smooth that Nick could scarcely keep his feet.

"But the Royal Mary fell a victim to a Spanish privateer, and I might never have arrived at all but for the gallantry of Captain Blood, who rescued me." Light broke upon the darkness of Calverley's mind. "I see. I understand." "I will take leave to doubt it." His lordship's tone abated nothing of its asperity. "But that can wait.

So, with his little son, Diego, Columbus went to Spain, thinking that perhaps the Spanish King and Queen would listen to him, and give him ships and money to carry out his plan. The King and Queen of Spain, or rather the rulers of the two related kingdoms of Castile and Aragon, were named Ferdinand and Isabella.

To save the town, rather than their own lives, the Spanish garrison capitulated on the fourth day, and obtained from the magnanimity of Gustavus a safe conduct to Luxembourg; the greater part of them, however, following the example of many others, enlisted in the service of Sweden.

For he had seen that figure once before flying before the sheriff and an armed posse and had never forgotten it! It was the figure of Spanish Pete, a notorious desperado and sluice robber! Finding he had been unobserved, the boy took courage, and his small faculties became actively alive.