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Before his visit to France, Orange had, moreover, issued commissions, in his capacity of sovereign, to various seafaring persons, who were empowered to cruise against Spanish commerce.

Peel and remove seeds of oranges; cut into quarters and lay them in the boiling syrup; let cook ten minutes. Remove the oranges to a glass dish; pour over the syrup and garnish with candied cherries. Spanish Baked Chicken. Clean and season a chicken with salt and pepper and let boil until tender.

Arrived there, should the Spanish ships be present, as all on board fervently hoped would prove to be the case, they were to attack at once.

No sooner was it dark than three burning vessels were seen to float down from the city towards the bridge, then three more, and directly after the same number. They beat to arms throughout the Spanish camp, and the whole length of the bridge was crowded with soldiers.

The modest and practical son of an illustrious but anonymous father, then coming to the point, said it would be the easiest thing in the world to direct the course of the Scheldt into an entirely new channel through Spanish Flanders to the sea.

Home-ward gently she rode with surging thoughts in her bosom, and an expression of sweet, religious calm hovering over her straight black brows. That was the Spanish of her. The moment the front door closed behind her she sprinted for the telephone. That was the American of her.

I might go down to the Old Mole, and swim from there to the head of the bay; or I might get some of the fishermen to go round the point, and land me to the east, well beyond the Spanish lines." "You couldn't do that, Bob; there is too sharp a lookout kept on the batteries.

The schemes of the French and the Spanish Bourbons were blighted in the bud by Canning's memorable declaration. Canning had indeed called in the New World to redress the balance of the Old in a sense more complete than the accepted meaning of his words, at the time, appeared to signify.

When, at the beginning of 534, he fell by the hand of an assassin, the Carthaginian officers of the Spanish army summoned to fill his place Hannibal, the eldest son of Hamilcar. He was still a young man born in 505, and now, therefore, in his twenty-ninth year; but his had already been a life of manifold experience.

It seemed that since I had been away from the city this strange thing had happened: the Spanish Woman, whom the papers had described as mourning for Rood, had taken up the defense of Montgomery. I couldn't understand it.