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By six-fifteen this fact could no longer be concealed, and such of his following as had not already fallen by the wayside crept, one by one, to rest. They left the Colonel dreamily, murmurously happy in a chair at the end of the City Hotel bar. Here, he was discovered about six-thirty by Eustace Eubanks, who had incautiously thought to rebuke him.

Algernon drew a big watch from his pocket. "Six-fifteen." Catherine started up in horror. "O! And I forgot all about helping with supper. What will mother think?" Algernon watched her hasten away up the hill, and turned toward his own home with some anxiety.

He moved the vase of orchids nearer the center of the table, and the table nearer the open window giving on the green. He rebuked himself for not being able to think of something else to change. He forgot his clothes, and was happy. At six-fifteen he summoned a boy and sent him up with a message that Mr. Wrenn was waiting and high tea ready.

"A most urgent telegram was dispatched to you from London by Godfrey Staunton at six-fifteen yesterday evening a telegram which is undoubtedly associated with his disappearance and yet you have not had it. It is most culpable. I shall certainly go down to the office here and register a complaint." Dr. Leslie Armstrong sprang up from behind his desk, and his dark face was crimson with fury.

Although having one or to narrow escapes, such as father getting off the train at my station instead of the other, but luckily getting a cinder in his eye and unable to see until I drove away quickly. And one day Carter Brooks got off and found me changing a tire and very dusty and worried, because a new tube cost five dollars and so far I had made but six-fifteen.

The girls were expected to be ready promptly at six-fifteen, but dressing hour might more properly have been termed gossiping hour, since it was more often given over to general discussions, Stella's pretty room, or Peggy's and Polly's, proving as a rule a rendezvous.

Mattison had a map drawn for Harvey, which showed every station, curve, switch, and siding; this Harvey studied during the lulls in the conversation, and as he already was familiar with all but the minor details of construction, he soon had his information upon a working basis. At six-fifteen Mattison came in. "Mr. Weeks," he said, "the despatcher reports something the matter.

I did not get back the same drawers I sent down, when our things came up at six-fifteen; I got a pair on a new plan. They were merely a pair of white ruffle-cuffed absurdities, hitched together at the top with a narrow band, and they did not come quite down to my knees. They were pretty enough, but they made me feel like two people, and disconnected at that.

Bertie brought home the news at six o'clock. Mrs. Crocks had a copy of the paper in her hands at six-fifteen. Meanwhile, George Steadman, was feeling the need of counsel. His head swam, and a cruel sense of injustice ate into his heart. He was a quiet man he did not deserve this. All his life he had sidestepped trouble and here it was staring him in the face.

"Night before last on the six-fifteen, and me getting home late from the Epworth meeting fire out not a stick of kindling-wood in only two cakes in the buttery, neither of them a layer not a frying-size chicken on the place thank goodness he didn't have the appetite he used to though in another way it's just downright heartbreaking to see a person you care for not be a ready eater but I had some of the plum jell he used to like, and the good half of an apple-John which I at once het up and I sent Mehitty Lykins down for some chops "