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I did well, for the next day Grimm came in triumph to relate to her my crime with aggravation, and since that time he has never failed maliciously to recall it to her recollection; in this he was the more culpable, since I had freely and voluntarily given him my confidence, and had a right to expect he would not make me repent of it.

He is the human capital of the nation and is capable of producing annual interest at the rate of at least a hundred per cent, if placed in sufficiently favourable circumstances. What folly is it then, nay what culpable negligence, nay what nothing short of criminality to sink this human gold in the bogs of beggary and destitution!

Bonaparte had as yet done nothing exactly culpable; many asserted that he preserved France from anarchy: in short, if at that moment he had signified to me any wish of reconciliation, I should have been delighted: but a step of that sort he will never take without exacting a degradation, and, to induce that degradation, he generally enters into such passions of authority, as terrify into yielding every thing.

He spoke, for the sake of words; for all his tale had been told. "You saw the man that was here yesterday? That was he, who then called himself Talbot." "What! the man that went away in the car? Mollett!" "Yes; that was the man." Herbert had said that no evidence could be sufficient to make him believe that his mother had been in any way culpable: and such probably was the case.

However do not think that fear of a perpetual prison forces me thus to act. No, sir, no; but after mature reflection, I am convinced that I would be culpable not to yield to the wishes of an oppressed people, who are stretching out their arms to me, and not to draw my sword for their defense," said the adventurer with a heroic air.

If you have been culpable, it was imprudence, and this imprudence was in obedience to the orders of your captain. Give up this letter you have brought from Elba, and pass your word you will appear should you be required, and go and rejoin your friends. "I am free, then, sir?" cried Dantes joyfully. "Yes; but first give me this letter."

She pretended to minimize the importance of her news, but he knew she did so to evade reproach for the culpable irresponsibility of her attitude toward the young man's first visit. "And do you know anything more about him than you did yesterday?" he asked. She did. It appeared that Vincent had telephoned her from down town just before she came out.

The Chevalier, who knew that he was still more culpable than they thought, bore it all with patience, and condemned himself more than they desired: this appeased them; and the entertainment ended with greater tranquillity than it had begun. The conversation was again reduced to order; but he could not enliven it as he usually did.

"I know not." Katherine shook her head dolefully. "Then when he greets thee, why not smile at him and look thy feelings?" "I know not, only 'tis my way. I shall love to hear him plead again. I hated to hear it once; but now 'twill be like music." "What if he is cold to thee?" "If he is cold, I will go to him and ask him to forgive me for what I have done." "Then thou art culpable?"

Sometimes, indeed, I have gone so far as to eat the shepherd too! On the whole, I think I had better render myself for this act of sacrifice; that is, if we agree that it is a thing necessary to the general good. And yet I think it would be only fair that every one should declare his sins as well as I; for I could wish that, in justice, it were the most culpable that should perish."

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