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The ravine at one point led out on a bare shoulder of the slope, and looking over the little pines they clearly saw a fire blazing on the crest and waving flags silhouetted before its glow. Far below, at Fisher's Hill, flags were waving also. "Quite a lively talk," whispered Shepard. "I suppose the lookouts are telling a lot about our army." "But it won't make much difference," said Dick.

It was a tranquil grey day in early autumn, the kind of day, full of quiet charm, which had always been grateful to Beth; but now, as she stood on the doorstep, with wrinkled forehead, dilated eyes, and compressed lips, putting her gloves on in feverish haste, she felt no tranquillising charm, and saw no beauty in the tangled hedgerows bright with briony berries, the tinted beeches, the Canadian poplars whispering mysteriously by the watercourse at the end of the meadow, the glossy iridescent plumes of the rooks that passed in little parties silhouetted darkly bright against the empty sky; it was all without significance to her; her further faculty was suspended, and even the recollection of anything she had been wont to feel had lapsed, and she perceived no more in the scene surrounding, in the colours and forms of things, the sounds and motions, than those perceive whose eyes have never been opened to anything beyond what appears to the grazing cattle.

Floral lamp standards between columns in corridors, pale yellow light. Flood light shields at south entrance to court; too bright necessarily. Festival Hall Reflection of Festival Hall in pool; Fountain of the Mermaid silhouetted against entrance window of hall; golden light through colored glass.

She had heard the sound of his approach and her form was silhouetted against the lighted door as she came out to meet him. "There's some Frenchman here," she whispered nervously. "I can't pronounce his name, but he sounds awful deep. You'll have to jaw with him." "What Frenchman?" "You can't prove it by me. He drove up an hour ago with Mr.

Silhouetted against the torchlight, the boatmen were getting ready with their sweeps, prepared to dip them into the water as soon as the vessel got clear of the rocky island. "We will paddle alongside before they begin to row," said Roland; and Captain Blumenfels was gently hailed from the river, much to his astonishment.

He was still sitting quietly on his horse at the place where they had parted so unceremoniously, his face turned in her direction horse and rider silhouetted against the western sky which showed a crimson hue below a greenish blue that was sapphire farther from the horizon. Not until a turn of the road hid the stage from sight did the stranger fix his gaze elsewhere.

To him, reared as he had been, the barrier of mixed blood rose between them, a thing surmountable only at the cost of caste; the shadow of that horror lay upon his soul like ink as black as the silhouetted rails and masts and rigging of the Poonah on her dead white decks. He could win her heart only to lose his world.

I remembered how young she had looked in this pale gold light, which irradiated her eyes and hair, or silhouetted her girlish outline as she passed before the windows. Of all the rooms the library was most peculiarly hers; and here I felt that her nearness might take visible shape.

Here and there in the wide expanse a tree silhouetted against the sky, a tracery of eccentric beauty, and off in the far distance a solitary horseman riding toward the post riding hard. "It was root, hog, or die with me, Sally," he continued, "and I rooted.... I wonder that fellow on the horse I have a feeling about him.

On a bare, rocky promontory far up in the north country, where the turbulent waters of the Little Vermilion cut through lanes of pointed fir and dark spruce, a gigantic moose stood, his ungainly body and huge antlers silhouetted against the sky of sunset.