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I have a communication to make to my friend General Vincente or to his daughter. 'To Estella? 'To the Senorita Estella. 'Do you think her beautiful? Some do, you know. Eyes I admit yes, lovely. 'I admire the senorita exceedingly. 'Ah yes, yes. You have not seen my daughter, have you, senor? Julia she rather resembles Estella. Senora Barenna paused and examined her fan with a careless air.

"He can be as mild as the shyest señorita, and he possesses the most beautiful sentiments. Women are mad over him. But he is hard to please strangely so. Truly, the lady who captivates his fancy may count herself fortunate."

"I cannot tell why; but I do not think she likes any one in the world. She is not like any one I ever saw, Senorita." "No," replied Ramona, thoughtfully. "She is not. I am, oh, so afraid of her, Alessandro! I have always been, ever since I was a little girl. I used to think she hated me; but now I think she does not care one way or the other, if I keep out of her way."

"But I've told our cook to save dinner for him." "Your cook! Señorita, I don' like make fun for you, but I guess you don' know my wife Carolina, she have been cook for Don Miguel and Don Mike since long time before he's beeg like little kitten. Don Mike, he don' understand those gringo grub." "Listen, Pablo: There is no time to cook Don Mike a Spanish dinner. He must eat gringo grub to-night.

Cousin Peligros smiled in rather a pinched way, and with a gesture of her outspread hands morally wiped the besiegers out. No female Sarrion, she seemed to imply, need ever fear inconvenience from a person in uniform. "You and I, Señorita," said Mon, with his bland and easy sympathy of manner, "have no business here. We are persons of peace."

"Ready with the canoe! Back there you hear them shouting. Thank the saints the señorita no longer struggles! She has fainted." "What got?" asked the man on the shore, who was a full-blooded Indian guide, known as Red Ben. "Big bundle." "Never mind what I have here. I paid you to wait and be ready to take me away in a hurry, and now it is in a hurry I must go.

High adobe walls, topped with tiles, concealed pleasant secluded gardens, from which the heavy perfume of the floribundia and other semitropical flowers poured out on the evening air. Behind such a wall and in the midst of such a garden stood the two-story adobe dwelling of the Señorita Maria Ygnacia Bonifacio, known to her intimates as Doña Nachita.

You know Cuba?" she said, indifferently interrogative. "If I know Cuba?" he laughed, and spread out his hands in mute appeal to the gods. "If I know Cuba! When Cuba is an independent republic, Senorita when the history of all this trouble comes to be written, you will find two names mentioned in its pages. The one name is Antonio.

These drops will never find those in the sea; but I love this water!" Margarita had seen him thus lying, and without dreaming of the refined sentiment which prompted his action, had yet groped blindly towards it, thinking to herself: "He hopes his Senorita will come down to him there. A nice place it is for a lady to meet her lover, at the washing-stones!

It was still more odd that when Christobal yielded to a fit of unwonted and melancholy silence after learning from Suarez that the senor captain had been talking to the señorita for a very long time on the promenade deck, Boyle should feel inclined to sing. The chief officer's musical attainments were not of the highest, and his repertory was archaic.