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"'He also serves who stands and waits'," quoted Howard sardonically. There came a knock at the door. Van Ness, arising quickly, answered it. A uniformed page stood on the threshold bearing a silver platter on which reposed two letters. Something about the incident again aroused Howard's sense of humor. "Like a play," he muttered. "'My Lord, the carriage waits."

"Mary," he warned her, "we must be known, even as also we know, before we enter the Kingdom of Heaven." They did not listen to him. "You mean," John said, "that you won't let it be known that you are my mother?" "No, never! never! It couldn't be known I promise you." "Thank you," said John Smith, sardonically, and Doctor Lavendar held up protesting hands. But no one looked at him.

"I am apparently less tender-hearted than you," she said sardonically. "I shall, if I think fit, deal with Prettyman in person." The subject was dropped, and Lavendar rose to leave the room, but Mrs. de Tracy detained him. "The Admiral's niece, Mrs. David Loring, is my guest at present," she said. "It happens that she has crossed the river to Wittisham and is paying a visit to Prettyman.

He laughed sardonically over the letter, and over the transaction which occasioned it. He laughed to think how Fortune had jilted him, and how he deserved his slippery fortune. He turned over and over the musky gilt-edged riddle. It amused his humour: he enjoyed it as if it had been a funny story.

"Yes," he said. "I confess that's a corker. But I think " "Well?" said Spargo. "I think he may have been a man who had some legal business in hand, or in prospect, and had been recommended to me," said Breton. Spargo smiled a little sardonically. "That's good!" he said. "You had your very first brief yesterday. Come your fame isn't blown abroad through all the heights yet, my friend!

"It's our own fault," an Englishman said to me, speaking somewhat sardonically of the failure of the Rumanians to go in with Italy in spite of having accepted a timely loan from England. "We put our money on the wrong horse! No, they'll keep on talking they're the chaps who want to get something for nothing.

He kept well in the rear of the motley throng of voyagers, an elegant, lordly figure, approached only in sartorial distinction by the far-famed gambler, Sylvester Hornaday, who likewise held himself sardonically aloof from the common horde, occupying a position well forward where, it might aptly be said, he could count his sheep as they straggled ashore.

The way to make a life friend of her was to be fond of Billie. Lee changed the subject abruptly. "Jack, you haven't half the sense I thought you had." "Much obliged," he answered sardonically. She was looking straight at him and he knew what was in her mind. "If I was a man and if the nicest girl in the world was in love with me I'd try not to be as stiff as a poker."

"In spite of all you can do, some day, my hero, Jack Harkness, will find this den and rescue me!" Prolonged handclapping came from the more genteel portion of the audience, mingled with cheers and cat-calls from the gallery. The villain laughed sardonically. "Still you hope for rescue by him?" "I do." "Then wait." He pressed a convenient button.

Just awake as he was, his healthy stomach clamored for food, but since none would be given him, he knew that he might as well try to be patient. "Mebbe you'd like to step over to our hotel an' take your meals, eh?" The Texan went on, after a short pause. "I've got a pot of coffee bilin' an' a mess o' bacon fryin'. No?" He grinned sardonically.