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Our reason for taking the water route was, that we were less liable to be suspected as runaways; we hoped to be regarded as fishermen; whereas, if we should take the land route, we should be subjected to interruptions of almost every kind. Any one having a white face, and being so disposed, could stop us, and subject us to examination.

Also, one other negro, by the name of Rigdon, who ranaway on the 8th of this month. In the same number of the Spectator two Justices of the Peace advertise the same runaways, and give notice that if they do not immediately return to W.D. Cobb, their master, they will be considered as outlaws, and any body may kill them. The following is an extract from the proclamation of the JUSTICES.

Then he drank another cup which Warcliff held out to him, and spake again: 'Yet if ye would abide here till about noon to-morrow, or mayhappen a little later, I would bring other runaways to see you; and them also might ye take with you: ye may think when ye see them that ye shall have small gain of their company; for poor wretched folk they be, like to myself.

Think it over, lad, don't do anything rash; but if ," and he hesitated, "if you are headstrong and foolish, remember you will be better off here than elsewhere, and that I am never very hard on runaways. That will do; you will go out again with the gang to-morrow." "Thank you, sir," Godfrey said earnestly, and with a bow returned to his work at the desk in the next room.

The horses had not escaped, for a dozen boys had set after them, headed by the tall youth, and the boot-blacks and news-boys had proved themselves decidedly more efficient at stopping runaways than at making symmetrical hay-cocks. "If you have any regard for my pride," said Sally suddenly, when the load was half replaced, "you'll let me drive down to the barn."

But the nations round about would not hearken to him, thinking scorn of this gathering of robbers and slaves and runaways, so that they said, "Why do ye not open a sanctuary for women also that so ye may find fit wives for your people?" Also they feared for themselves and their children what this new city might grow to.

Again and again we endeavoured to make a stand; calling on the fugitives to halt, to remember they were Frenchmen, to look their foes in the face it was useless, every little group that formed for a moment being swept away by the raging, human torrent. "Some one must find Count Louis of Nassau," said our general, "and say I trust to him to cover the retreat. We may yet rally the runaways."

But Shelley had read Godwin's book and simply taken the philosopher at his word: "The impulses of the human heart are just and right; they are greater than law, and must be respected." The runaways seemed to have had a jolly time in France as long as their money lasted. They bought a mule to carry their luggage, and walked.

"But he could not stop there long he would find nothing to eat in the woods; and though he might perhaps support himself for a time on corn or roots from the clearings scattered about through the James Peninsula, he must sooner or later be caught." "Dar are runaways in de woods now, Massa Vincent," Dan said; "some ob dem hab been dar for month." "But how do they live, Dan?"

We had occasionally hills to go over, spurs of the big mountains on our left; but we kept as much we could on the level ground, sometimes having to make a detour for the sake of avoiding the rocky heights, which were inaccessible to our animals. As the day advanced we began to look out for the runaways, although the lieutenant was of opinion that they must be still some way ahead of us.