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I feel that I have added an excellent young officer to the number of my officers," added Captain Ringgold. "I thank you, sir, with all my heart; but may I ask one favor of you?" inquired the third officer. "Name it, and I will grant it if possible." "I earnestly request that you do not mention this little matter to any person on board of the ship."

Russell, who, although ardently loving the cause, were too old and feeble to serve it otherwise than by their unceasing prayers, and by giving freely of their substance to sustain the patients at the hospitals then established at Ringgold.

Don had been himself an engineer on board of the Fatimé; but he had been threatened when he criticised affairs which occurred on board of her, and he was ill-treated. He escaped from her at Gibraltar, and had been employed by Captain Ringgold in his present capacity. "The Fatimé has gone to the bottom, Felipe," said Don as he entered the engine-room.

"I think so myself; but my wife will never be satisfied till she has made him a convert to the Christian religion," replied Captain Sharp, as he led the way to the cabin of the general. They were promptly admitted; and the owner of the Blanche started back, and stood with clasped hands gazing at Captain Ringgold.

"The only thing I feared, Professor, was that you would go into them too diffusely, forgetting that your audience are not savants, or even college students, such as you have been in the habit of addressing. I am very glad to find that you have just the right idea in regard to the situation," replied Captain Ringgold.

"Lord Tremlyn informed this company in regard to the divisions of caste, so that I think we have a tolerable idea of the matter," said Captain Ringgold, reading from a paper in his hand. "But all these sects and castes are divided again into tribes and trade societies.

"I thought three weeks was a rather long time for you to be in the island," said Captain Ringgold after the question had been opened for discussion. "We fixed the time before we knew anything about the island," replied Louis.

"The city must be 'done' by walking, must it?" asked the commander. "Whew!" whistled Dr. Hawkes; and the sibilation was repeated by Uncle Moses, for each of them weighed over two hundred and a quarter. "If the ship were here I would lend you the barge with eight rowers, to enable you to see the sights from the river," suggested Captain Ringgold.

Before she could reply the Highland officer broke in, for he had ridden up with Ringgold. "Mistress Jean, it gives me pleasure to be the first to welcome you to our lines. Your father told us of your coming, and there has been a rivalry between us as to who should be the one to escort you to the city." "That was kind of all of you; but how did you leave my father?"

I understand that this was the subject to be treated by Captain Ringgold; and I am confident that he could have done it quite as well as I can, though I am 'to the manner born. But I will proceed with the subject, without wasting any more of your valuable time.