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At this painful moment Malkiel the Second was so overcome by emotion, that he trembled, and allowed his left foot to rattle slightly on the sugar basin. "What was it?" repeated Madame. "Rats, I have no doubt," answered the Prophet, who had heard nothing. "I believe that the basements of these old houses are simply well simply permeated with rats."

The men pressed on in silence, the soft thudding of their feet and the rattle of their sidearms filling the air with a low and continuous murmur. An additional solemnity was given to the attack by that huge black cloud which hung before them. The British guns had opened at a range of 4400 yards, and now against the swarthy background there came the quick smokeless twinkle of the Boer reply.

It was very still; after the rattle and confusion of the city streets, that extent of snow-covered country, where the very shadows were motionless the entire absence of soil and of disturbance the rest of nature the breathlessness of the very wind all preached a quaint kind of sermon to Fleda.

We could hear the rattle of his claws on the loose bark, as he passed upward; and the peccary, too, seemed to have heard it, for she threw up her head with a grunt, and stood for a moment listening. "`Only a squirrel, perhaps! thought she, and again resumed her occupation.

Trench asked faintly; and before Feversham could answer Abou Fatma went on: "Walk forwards very slowly. Before you reach the end of the wall it will be dusk. Draw your cloaks over your heads, wrap these rags about your chains, so that they do not rattle. Then turn and come back, go close to the water beyond the storehouses. I will be there with a man to remove your chains.

We were scarcely seated, however, when she springs up with a cry of joy and runs from the room, crying she hears her Richard's step, which was indeed true, though we had heard nothing more pleasant than the rattle of our plates.

Wouldn’t even write his name on a slip of paper. Felt hurt! Well, well, well. What funny creatures men are. Wouldn’t leave his name. Well, well.” He hummed the Walhalla motif, and Dorothea, bending over her doll, coquettishly kissed the waxen face. Daniel, standing in front of the house, bit his lips like a man in a fever who does not want his teeth to rattle.

"The Blind Worm is a, species very nearly allied to the foregoing. Some naturalists have doubted whether they are not the same. "The Rattle Snake.

Twice we passed a point just as the flames leaped from one side of the road to the other, and rode between two lines of blaze. The fire, burning green branches and stalks, caused thousands of loud explosions, like the rattle of musketry. Long before we were near it, we caught sight of Cancuc, the beautiful, perched upon its lofty crest.

At the risk of utterly losing the good opinion of one of Cousin Julia's most valued friends, of appearing forward, conceited, tiresome, she would rattle on like the empty-headed society girl in certain modern plays.