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I'm not what you call a ladies' man," grinned Elias, puffing at his pipe as he picked up the volumes on Napoleon. Eddie laughed politely but uncomfortably. "How old are you, Mr. Droom?" "I'm as old as Methuselah." "Aw, go 'way!" "When he was a boy," laughed Elias, enjoying his quip immensely. "Miss Cable seems to be very fond of Graydon.

There was for once no quip or jest from the men standing by the roadside, leaning thoughtfully on their muskets, and awaiting their turn to march. They merely watched them file by, with steady, grave eyes and an occasional calm nod or quiet greeting to an acquaintance.

I know not whence our author borrowed his plot, but this famous fryar Minor lived in the reign of Henry III. and died in the reign of Edward I. in the year 1284. He joined with Dr. Lodge in one play, called a Looking Glass for London; he writ also the Comedies of Fryar Bacon and Fair Enome. His other pieces are, Quip for an upstart Courtier, and Dorastus and Fawnia.

We were in the rags of beggary, prideless in the dust, and yet I was laughing heartily at some mumbled merry quip of the Lady Om when a shadow fell upon us. It was the great litter of Chong Mong-ju, borne by eight coolies, with outriders before and behind and fluttering attendants on either side.

The ex-official could hear little, but he had cultivated the habit of talking constantly and well. There were some voices, however, which he could hear more distinctly than others, and Lord Windlehurst's was one of them clear, well-modulated, and penetrating. Sipping brandy and water, Lord Windlehurst gave his latest quip.

"Did anybody lose anything?" "If it's a pocketbook it's mine!" "Especially if it has money in it!" Thus the motor girls, and their boy friends, sent merry quip and jest back and forth as they found seats in the coach, and settled down for the trip to Crystal Bay.

Laughter followed this quip, the levity of which caused Hal to feel more like "loosening up". "Well," said the latter, producing a small leather-back notebook from one of his pockets; "here is the secret of my information." "Where did you get that?" Cub demanded. "I found it." "Where not here?" "Yes, on this island.

It is the gentle laugh, not violating, but just humanising, that very solemn kiss; the quip that just saves passion from toppling over the brink into bathos, that mark the skilful lover. No lover will long be successful unless he is a humourist too, and is able to keep the heart of love amused.

The girls were making merry with quip and jest when Grace, hearing a crackling of under brush, looked back along the path they had come. She started and exclaimed: "Here come those two young men Mr. Stone and Mr. Kennedy." "Don't notice them," begged Amy, who was not much given to making new acquaintances. "Too late! They see us they're coming right toward us!" cried Grace, in some confusion.

Yet Hitchcock stood in the midst of them, drinking and smoking in silence, seemingly unconcerned. Presently the Judge came in with a smile on his round face and shot off a merry remark. But the quip didn't take as it should have done. He was received with quiet nods and not with smiles and loud greetings as usual.