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"I misremimber fwhat nonsinse I said, but I was not so far gone that I cud not hear a fut on the dirt outside. 'Twas Bragin comin' in, an' by the same token Annie was comin' to. I jumped to the far end av the veranda an' looked as if butter wudn't melt in my mouth. But Mrs. Quinn, the Quarter-Master's wife that was, had tould Bragin about my hangin' round Annie.

In such signs he read the fleeting history of the passing of generations of men that way of men from Chance Along who had sought in this wilderness for flesh for their pots and timber for their huts, boats and stages. He found everything but what he was looking for the frozen body of Foxey Jack Quinn with the necklace of diamonds and rubies in its pocket.

"Listen, Roseen, like a good sensible girl. Sure, ye know very well it's me that holds the place of father an' mother to you now, an' it's my duty to see you are settled an' provided for. Well, now, ye might sarch the world over an' not find such a good man as Mr. Quinn, an' a real gentleman, too, mind you. Sure, it's jumping with joy you ought to be.

Ferry got down and sat on the earth talking with Quinn, while the sergeants quietly roused the sleepers to horse. Now we marched, and when we had gone a mile or so Ned Ferry turned aside, taking with him only Sergeant Jim, Kendall, another private, and me. We went at an alert walk single-file for the better part of an hour and stopped at length in a narrow untilled "deadening."

He knew that both young Cormick and old Mother Nolan were heavy sleepers; and, earlier in the evening, he had seen something through the window of the guest-chamber that had aroused his curiosity and a passion of avarice. Foxey Jack Quinn was warmly clothed. His rackets and a light pack were on his back and his pockets were stuffed with food and a flask of rum. He was armed with a hatchet.

Quinn denounced them.... It seemed to Henry that he could name an English equivalent for every Irish friend he had. "There are differences, of course," he said to himself, remembering the silent company of passengers who shared his compartment, "but they don't matter very much!" "I wish," he went on, "John Marsh weren't so bitter against the English.

They completely ignored Henry after they had been introduced to him. "Mr. Quinn is writing a novel, too!" said Lady Cecily. "Oh, yes!" said Lensley. "Indeed!" Boltt burbled. Thereafter they addressed themselves exclusively to Lady Cecily and her husband. Lensley told Lady Cecily that she was to be the heroine of his next book. "I'm studying you now, dear Lady Cecily!" he said.

He beamed now at the genial cook's greeting, and took out his harmonica, running over the full scale as a suitable answer. "Here, sit ye down, 'Red," Mrs. Quinn ordered. "But first see that yer feet is wiped off. I don't want to see no dirt along me clean floor."

If I was an Englishman, I wouldn't want any one to see places like Wigan an' the towns where they dig coal an' make pottery ... I'd ... I'd be ashamed to look God in the face when I had mind of them...." Late that night, long after Henry had gone to bed, Mr. Quinn came to his room and wakened him. "What is it, father!" Henry said, starting up in alarm. "It's all right, son," Mr. Quinn replied.

Harper rose at him, wagging his red beard, and filling the air with terrible prophecies!... "Ah, quit, man!" said Mr. Quinn, and he turned and winked at Marsh. "Do you know what religion he is?" he said, pointing his finger at Harper. "He's a Nonconformin' Theosophist!" And he roared at his own joke.