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O'er the land where poor Scott's heartless murderer, Has added much more to his sin; By the cold-blooded uncalled for slaughter, Of Gowanlock, Delaney and Quinn, Who like many others now sleeping, Shroudless near the sky of the west, May be called the sad victims and martyrs Of Riel who's name we detest.

P. T. Quinn, of Newark, N. J., has achieved remarkable success by this plan. It is a well-known fact that on light land strawberry plants are not so long-lived and do not develop, or "stool out," as it is termed, as on heavier land.

Quinn sat like an image of wood, showing life only in that one glaring, pale eye. "How bes ye feelin' now, Jack?" asked the visitor. The hulking fellow by the stove did not speak, but the hand that held his pipe twitched ever so slightly. "Orders be orders," continued the skipper. "The lads who obeys me fills their pockets wid gold an' them who don't get hurt. But I bain't a hard man, Jack Quinn.

There he would hire a team of dogs and make the next stage in quick time. Dennis Nolan, who would not discover the theft of the diamonds until after sun-up, would be left hopelessly astern by that time. So Quinn figured it out. On reaching St. John's he would go to a shebeen that he knew, in a narrow and secluded back street, and there rent a room.

I don't want to say anything that may sound unpleasant, but I suggest that you should read the Report of the Registrar-General when it comes out. It will cause some consternation, I can promise you. Young women, Quinn, simply can't be kept away from the soldiers, and I've been told ... well!..." Again he shrugged his shoulders, and turned his palms upwards and raised his eyebrows.

William Hayes, formerly of Barry's Court, Ireland," as one of New York's physicians in the year 1647, and from the same authority we learn that there were "settlers and Indian fighters in New Netherland" named Barrett, Fitzgerald, Dowdall, Collins, and Quinn in 1657.

John Quinn of Limerick was reported by Lord Grey to have taken the oath of royal supremacy in 1538, but the Deputy's leanings towards Rome even on this journey were proclaimed so frequently by his opponents on the council that it would be difficult to believe him, did not the name of the Bishop of Limerick appear amongst the witnesses to the submission of the Earl of Desmond.

Quinn had theories involving calculations with a pencil and pieces of paper about the surest method of securing right angles at the corners and parallel lines down the sides of the court. Hyacinth and Marion worked obediently with a tape measure and the garden line. One of the boys messed cheerfully with a pail of liquid whitening.

Clifford had spoken of providing capital for the future ecclesiastical factories. The Reverend Mother bowed out the last of her guests, and retired to her own room well satisfied. She was assured of further support from the Congested Districts Board, and certain debts which had grown uncomfortably during her struggle with Mr. Quinn need trouble her no longer.

The end was that he said he had not done so ill at Islington but that he could afford to live at ease elsewhere when he chose, and anyhow he bore Dr. Quinn no malice. I think I now remember what observation of mine drew him into the train of thought which he next pursued.