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And all being done on nothing stronger than coffee, with hardly a cigarette and never anything that was by way of being a punk stick in a closed room. It was certainly a lot healthier than a Latin Quarter for these young people, and for the old ones, too. Dulcie had sure put one large crimp into Bohemia, even if she could not be justly called an intellectual giantess.

The men gulped down their liquor; two of them quietly passed out. The doctor wiped his lips, buttoned his coat, and began to draw on his riding-gloves. "I've heerd," said Poker Jack of Shasta, with a faint smile on his white face, as he toyed with the last drops of liquor in his glass, "that the darned fools sometimes smell punk as a medicine, eh?"

"But you certainly were all to the punk in your judgment about that game." "Oh, I don't know," objected Herbert, leaning against the side of the doorway and crossing his tan-shod feet. "Barville should have won." "How do you make that out?" "They batted Springer out, didn't they? They sent him to the stable, all right." "He lost his control, and Eliot had to take him out."

Gibney pointed out that the old craft was practically punk aft and a stiff tow would jerk the tail off the old girl. In despair, therefore, Captain Scraggs had abandoned bay and river towing and was prepared to jump overboard and end all, when an opportunity offered for the freighting of garden truck and dairy produce from Halfmoon Bay to San Francisco. But now a difficulty arose.

In the center of the log I was sure to find "punk" wood. Sometimes, in this way, I got enough to last a year or two from one tree. It was of a brown color and was found in layers, which were attached and adhered together. When I chopped a tree I took out all I could find, carried it home, laid it up in a place where it would get drier, and it was always ready for use.

Shorty slapped his bayonet on, and brought the point very near Groundhog's abdomen. "I'll jab this thing clean through you in a holy minute, you pusillanimous basswood cullin'; you pestiferous pile o' pizen, rotten punk," he said savagely. "Git on your wheel-mule and gether up the lines."

When he see this dog a-coming 'round, he fired this punk, split open a corn-cake and squoze the intestine inside, all nice and slab, and threw out the lot. The dog was always ravenous, and swallered the heap kerchunk! "Pretty soon along come an explosion so the man said.

He rapidly read an amazing lyric beginning, "Motorists, you hadn't better monkey with the carburetor, all the racers, all the swells, have equipped their cars with Kells. We are privileged to announce what will give the trade a jounce, that the floats have been improved like all motorists would have loved." He broke off and shouted, "Punk last line, but I'll fix it up.

She's going to speak on 'Cultivating the Sun Spirit' before the League of the Higher Illumination, at the Thornleigh." "Oh, punk! New Thought! Hashed thought with a poached egg! 'Cultivating the It sounds like 'Why is a mouse when it spins? That's a fine spiel for a good Presbyterian to be going to, when you can hear Doc Drew!"

"Salinas is on the 'hog, the 'bulls' is 'horstile." "I got 'pinched' at El Paso, along with Moke Kid." "Talkin' of 'poke-outs, wait till you hit the French country out of Montreal not a word of English you say, 'Mongee, Madame, mongee, no spika da French, an' rub your stomach an' look hungry, an' she gives you a slice of sow-belly an' a chunk of dry 'punk."