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Fairies, weezels, rats, and ferrets: From curfew time To the next prime. It was a brilliant moonlight night, but extremely cold; our chaise whirled rapidly over the frozen ground; the post-boy smacked his whip incessantly, and a part of the time his horses were on a gallop.

Pope took his revenge, by stigmatizing him as a dunce, in his usual keen spirit of satire: There had arisen some quarrel between Gildon and Dennis, upon which, Mr. Pope in his Dunciad, B. iii. has the following lines, This author's other works are chiefly these, The Post-Boy Robb'd of his Mail, or the Packet Broke Open; consisting of Five Hundred Letters to several Persons of Quality, &c. 1692.

"Oh, drive on, post-boy. There must be some mistake. The woman must be making some dreadful mistake." At last the courage of the lodge-keeper gave way before the importance of the post-chaise, and she did permit Mrs. Wilkinson to proceed. "Mither," said the woman's eldest hope, "you'll cotch it noo." "Eh, lad; weel. He'll no hang me." And so the woman consoled herself.

On her side, conscious that, unless she stops me at once, all is lost, she makes a great effort; but I hold her tightly, saying that if she does not feign a fainting fit, the post-boy will turn round and see everything; I let her enjoy the pleasure of calling me an infidel, a monster, anything she likes, but my victory is the most complete that ever a champion achieved.

"I have no money about me, for I paid my last half-crown to the post-boy, but this will do as well for a toss as anything else;" and she laid her hands on the dressing-glass as she spoke. "Now the call shall be 'safe, or 'smash; whoever calls 'safe, if the glass comes down unbroken, has the choice, and vice versa.

His father's brother, in Rhonethal, the other side of the mountain, wished to have the boy, for he thought that with him he would fare and prosper better; his grandfather perceived this and gave his consent. Rudy must go. There were others to take leave of him, besides his grandfather; first there was Ajola, the old dog. "Your father was post-boy and I was post-dog," said Ajola.

And the innkeeper's wife whined and whimpered more than ever. She could not understand it nobody could understand it except Anders the post-boy and one beside. But when old folks wished to give the young a really serious admonition, they used to begin thus: 'There was once in Krarup Kro a girl named Karen My sister was going to Modum.

So, very sad-like, he went back to his own chaise that was now slewed about for Falmouth and off the procession started at an easy trot, the good man bouncing up in his seat from time to time to blow back a kiss. But after awhile he shouted to the post-boy to pull up again. "What's the matter, love?" sings out Mrs. Polwhele, overtaking him and coming to a stand likewise.

It rained and blew; and after a while the rain turned to sleet. The post-boy buttoned up his coat, and got under the shelter of the portico; the horses drooped their heads, and shivered. Mrs. Wilkinson wished herself back at Hurst Staple or even comfortably settled at Littlebath, as her son had once suggested.

Never would you see him back, unless. And I was right, sir! he concluded triumphantly. "Let me see that piece of paper." "You'll let me have it back, sir? for a memento," the post-boy pleaded. Lieutenant Lapenotiere took it from him a plain half-sheet of note-paper roughly folded. On it was scribbled in pencil, back-hand wise, "Lt. Lapenotiere. Admiralty, Whitehall. At 6.30 a.m., not later.