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But, though he lived in an unfashionable street, it could not be said that Phil, in his table manners, showed any lack of good breeding. He seemed quite at home at Mrs. Pitkin's table, and in fact acted with greater propriety than Alonzo, who was addicted to fast eating and greediness. "Couldn't you walk home alone, Uncle Oliver?" asked Mrs. Pitkin presently. "Yes."

"Deacon Pitkin's Farm" is full of those thoroughly truthful touches of New England in which, if you are not unrivaled, I do not know who your rival may be. I wiped the tears from one eye in reading "Deacon Pitkin's Farm." I wiped the tears, and plenty of them, from both eyes, in reading "Betty's Bright Idea."

The double-cross would have been an excellent racing trade-mark for the Pitkin stable, because Pitkin had double-crossed every one who ever trusted him, every one with whom he had come in contact. He had even double-crossed old Gabe Johnson, his negro trainer, and the history of that cross will furnish an accurate index on the smallness of Pitkin's soul.

"Well, one thing is a mortal cinch, Curry; you'll never catch me psalm singing round a race track, and any time I want to preach, I'll hire a church! Put that in your pipe and smoke it!" "I ain't smokin', thankee, I'm chewin' mostly," remarked the old gentleman to Pitkin's vanishing coat tails. "Well, now, looks like I made him sort of angry.

Is that anything remarkable?" "I should say it was," answered Mr. Wilbur slowly. "Didn't you get as much when you were errand boy?" "I only got two dollars and a half. Did Pitkin tell you he would pay you five dollars a week." "No; Mr Carter told me so." "The old gentleman Mr. Pitkin's uncle?" "Yes. It was at his request that Mr. Pitkin took me on." Mr. Wilbur looked grave.

In 1641 the general assembly of Rhode Island unanimously declared that the government of the state was a democracy, and that the power was vested in the body of free citizens, who alone had the right to make the laws and to watch their execution. Code of 1650, p. 70. Pitkin's History, p. 47. Constitution of 1638, p. 12. Code of 1650, p 80. Code of 1650, p. 78. Code of 1750, p. 94. Ibid, p. 86.

Further, they were demanding religious care and baptism for their children from a clergy who, from the point of view of any strict Episcopalian, had no right to officiate; and, again, it was nearly ten years before the first Church-of-England men found their way to Stratford. The Court made reply to Pitkin's petition by sending to all the churches a request that they consider

"Then how is it that you are not in the store at this time?" asked Mr. Carter, puzzled. "Because I am no longer in Mr. Pitkin's employ. I was discharged last Saturday." "Discharged! What for?" "Mr. Pitkin gave no reason. He said my services were no longer required.

"There sha'n't no one do you any hurt while I'm round, Mira!" he said; and for a moment he forgot his deformity, and straightened his poor shoulders, and held up his head like a man. There was no shade of amusement in Mira Pitkin's honest smile. "I expect you'd be as brave as a lion, Don 'Lonzo," she said.

But the time will come when I will open the eyes of Uncle Oliver to the designs of that scheming woman and that artful errand boy." It was Mrs. Pitkin's true self that spoke. Among the duties which devolved upon Phil was Mr. Carter's bank business. He generally made deposits for Uncle Oliver, and drew money on his personal checks whenever he needed it. It has already been said that Mr.