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Smeaton turned to Mr. Lindsey in the same quiet fashion. "What do you make of all this?" he asked. "Plain as a pikestaff," answered Mr. Lindsey in his most confident manner. "Michael Carstairs fell in love with this girl and married her, quietly as Mr.

'And the chin. It's my chin, isn't it? asked Jawleyford. 'Yes; and the nose, and the forehead, and the whiskers, and the hair, and the shape of the head, and everything. Oh! I see it now as plain as a pikestaff, observed Sponge.

"Well, then, there you are what is the result for Germany why the thing's as plain as a pikestaff in fact you're driven to it by the sheer logic of the situation there is only one outcome " The Authority was speaking very deliberately. He even paused at this point and lighted a cigarette, while we all listened breathlessly. We felt that we had got the thing to a focus at last.

It was as plain as a pikestaff that she was by far the most popular woman on board. And she took it all just as usual. Absolutely composed. Just her little self just Janey all over; standing there with her veil thrown back. Hammond never noticed what his wife had on. It was all the same to him whatever she wore.

But to me it is as plain as a pikestaff, from what mixture it is that this daughter silently lours, the other steals a kind look at you, a third is exactly well behaved, a fourth a splenetic, and a fifth a coquette.

Mr Chalk, a quiet-looking little man, with easy familiar manners, which won the confidence of his illiterate constituents, knowing Bob Fox well, received us graciously. His eyes glittered as he heard the money chink in Bob's pocket. "It's all as clear as a pikestaff," he observed, when he heard what I had got to say.

Then, in a kind and fatherly way, he gave me some good advice: Don't show too much eagerness, he said: don't go quite so much into detail; keep on broader lines; speak deliberately and very distinctly; make your points as plain as a pikestaff; rub them well in; don't try to make too many points, but stick fast to the important ones.

Were I not to punish you they would be astonished, and some of them might even go to the length of copying your behavior. You see this for yourself, don't you?" "Oh, I see it plain enough," answered Kitty; "plain as a pikestaff. What's the punishment to be?" Miss Sherrard hesitated. Once more she looked at Kitty; Kitty's eyes were as bright as stars.

The sooner that young scoundrel is in gaol the better I shall feel," said Mr. Carrington. "So should I," said Mr. Flexen. "But I'm very much afraid that for Mr. Manley it's a far cry to Holloway. We have no case against him whatever not a scrap of a case that I can see." "Hang it all! It's as plain as a pikestaff! He's engaged to this woman this Mrs. Truslove who has a nice little income.

He balanced his iron rod as he would a pikestaff, and aimed it at the upper half of the door to the hall. "When the next volley comes," he said, "I'll smash the panel." With the bar raised high, his muscles on a strain, he stood alert and poised, waiting for a shot from the room below to call forth an answering volley from the house-tops. But no sound came from below.