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Payson what he had heard. "Perhaps, then," said the minister, "the old lady got tired of waiting for me, and took Bub home with her. You may take the team and ride over there." Finding that Mr. Smith had not seen his wife, Tom at once concluded that there must be something seriously wrong; and he said, "I was told at the village that your wife was there, trying to find Bub.

A salesman remembered seeing Noyes or Bedford one day walking in Mayfair with a gentleman who really was Mac, of whom he gave a good description, and taking the clerk the detectives started out to make a house-to-house investigation. Now, No. 1 Mayfair, the first house they entered, was the residence of a famous London doctor by the name of Payson Hewett, and Mac had been a patient of his.

In the mean time Burton telephoned to Oakdale for reinforcements, as it would require fifty men at least to properly beat the tangled underbrush of the wood. In a clump of willows beside the little stream which winds through the town of Payson a party of four halted on the outskirts of the town. There were two men, two young women and a huge brown bear. The men and women were, obviously, Gypsies.

Lane left Blair at the rail, gloomily gazing down at the confusion and bustle on the wharf, and went below to search for their comrade, Red Payson. He found him in his stateroom, half crouched on the berth, apparently oblivious to the important moment. It required a little effort to rouse Payson.

He took up his table fork and bit the end; holding it to his ear he gave the table a starting chord, and they hummed "Ma Onliest One," while Van grew red, and the rest of the dining-room stopped to listen. Dolores Payson sat in an orchestra seat and smiled up at the immaculate Mr. Van Dyke, above the only bunch of orchids in the theatre.

After referring to the matron's fruitless visit to the cottage on the previous night, Mrs. Payson proceeded in these words: "I request you will immediately let me know whether Sally has taken refuge with you, and has passed the night under your roof.

"What are we going to do for a stove?" asked the wife, as soon as he was out of sight. "That'll be forthcoming," said the minister. Tom, having made his appearance, was requested by Mr. Payson to take the team and go to town, and say to Mr. Palmer that they had decided to move into the cabin, and would like to get settled before night; which message brought Mr.

The latter was now well guarded all the way to Payson; while the Millsville road was still open. No sooner had he departed than Willie Case disappeared, nor did he answer at noon to the repeated ringing of the big, farm dinner bell.

"That Sort of Woman" "Judge not according to the appearance." John VII: 24. "Tutt," said Mr. Tutt, entering the offices of Tutt & Tutt and hanging his antediluvian stovepipe on the hat-tree in the corner, "I see by the morning paper that Payson Clifford has departed this life." "You don't say!" replied the junior Tutt, glancing up from the letter he was writing.

Payson, in spite of the slight beading of his forehead and the blurr about the gas jets, began to feel very much the man of the world, not a "six bottle man" perhaps, but and he laughed complacently a "two bottle man." If he'd lived back in the good old sporting days very likely he could have done better. But he's taken care of two full bottles, hadn't he? Mr.