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The details of his nefarious project were already arranged in his mind, and only this one difficulty had yet to be overcome; when, at two hours after dark, he entered the streets of Oñate.

"I have to thank you, Jaime," said he, "for your promptness and presence of mind this morning. Had you not thought of what we all forgot, and suggested the pulling down of the bridge, few, if any of us, would have seen Oñate to-night. I shall report your conduct most favourably to the General, who will doubtless reward it."

The minor documents connected with Oñate's enterprise and subsequent administration of the New Mexican colony, so far as known, are of comparatively small importance to the history of the Rio Grande Pueblos. During the first years of the seventeenth century the attention of Oñate was directed chiefly toward explorations in western Arizona and the Gulf of California.

Not far below where Onate reached the Esperanza he entered the Great Colorado Valley and soon crossed the highest point attained by Alarcon in 1340, probably near the upper end of the valley. He now doubled Alarcon's and presently also Melchior Diaz's paths, and arrived at the mouth of the river on the 25th of January, 1605, the first white man in over sixty years.

"Seeing is believing, general," returned O'Halloran, and he gave a little nod to Onate. The colonel left the room, and two or three minutes later a bell began to toll. "What does that mean?" asked Carlo. "The call to arms, general. It means that the old regime is at an end in Chihuahua. "Not without a struggle," cried the general, rushing out of the room. O'Halloran laughed.

O'Halloran choked a laugh, for by chance the governor had hit the nail on the head. Onate was to be Secretary of State under Valdez, and this was the bait that had been dangled temptingly under his nose to induce a desertion of Megales. "If you mean to reflect upon my honor I can assure you that my conscience is clear," answered Onate blackly. "Indeed, colonel, I do not doubt it.

"I prefer the word patriot, senor," returned Onate, flushing. "Indeed I have no doubt you do. I am answered," he exclaimed scornfully. "And what is the price of patriotism these days, colonel?" "Sir!" The colonel laid his hand on his sword. "I was merely curious to know what position you would hold under the new administration."

He glanced quickly at O'Halloran as he entered, as if asking for guidance, and then as questioningly at Megales. Had the Irishman played Judas and betrayed them all? Or was the coup already played with success? "Colonel Onate, I have sent for you at the request of Governor Megales to set his mind at rest on a disturbing point.

But it seemed to be the habit of those days, either never to seek information as to what had previously been accomplished, or to forget it, for the expedition of Onate might as well never have been made so far as its effect on succeeding travels was concerned. He had crossed Arizona by the very best route, yet Escalante, 172 years afterward, goes searching for one by way of Utah Lake!

"He did so, Señora," answered the gipsy; "but before we were half-way to Oñate, we were met by a courier with despatches for the Señor Conde, who immediately turned bridle, and ordered the escort to do the same. It was past midnight when we again reached Segura; and, not to cause alarm, we marched round the town, and continued our route without stopping. "And your errand now?" exclaimed Rita.