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She was the youngest daughter of a particular friend, who had traveled extensively and was noted for his honesty and intelligence. About this time, too, "Sam Patch" made his last and fatal leap from a scaffold twenty five feet above the falls of Genesee, which are ninety-six feet in height. From thence he plunged into the foaming river to rise no more in life.

But there is, besides, in the centre of the building, a fine rotunda, ninety-six feet in diameter, and ninety- six high, whose circular wall is divided into compartments, ornamented by historical pictures. Four of these have for their subjects prominent events in the revolutionary struggle.

"The race should be for a hundred yards, and Deerfut must give Fred ninety-five yards start, though to make it sure enough, maybe it ought to be ninety-six or siven." "Then you would require about ninety-nine, according to the same calculation," said Fred.

"Then you know what they'll cost you ninety-six hundred an' twenty dollars, an' if my figurin's wrong, I'll treat." "But maybe they won't turn the trick," Wild Water objected. "Maybe Miss Arral's lost her taste for eggs by this time." "I should say Miss Arral's worth the price of the eggs," Smoke put in quietly. "Worth it!" Wild Water stood up in the heat of his eloquence.

"Ninety-one," the voice began, "ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred, one hundred and one" the slow, monotonous count coming nearer and nearer; "one hundred and two, one hundred and three, one hundred and four," and so on in its monotonous reckoning.

In its motion the earth's satellite was insensibly nearing the zenith, the mathematical point which it ought to attain ninety-six hours later. Her mountains, her plains, every projection was as clearly discernible to their eyes as if they were observing it from some spot upon the earth; but its light was developed through space with wonderful intensity. The disc shone like a platinum mirror.

People rushed up to see what damage it had done, but they only found two little dead birds one with a tiny hole in her breast, the other with an eye knocked out. Ninety-six pounds of iron, brass, and melinite, hurled four miles through the air, at unknown cost, just to deal a true-lovers' death to two sparrows, five of which are sold for one farthing! Sunday, January 21, 1900.

"Ninety-six degrees," replied Elisabeth promptly. "And your Cousin Maria?" "Sixty." "And Mrs. Bateson?" "Fifty-four." Elisabeth always knew her own mind. "I say, how how how much do you like me?" asked Christopher, with some hesitation. "Sixty-two," answered Elisabeth, with no hesitation at all. And Christopher felt a funny, cold feeling round his loyal heart.

In the three months from August to December, these ten-forties were quoted as low as ninety-seven, or even for a time at ninety-six. Cooke became anxious, if not alarmed, lest the rate should fall below ninety-five, and consequently lest the subscribers should refuse to meet their obligations.

It was fully incorporated, with a seal and all legal corporate powers and liabilities. In the charter itself were named some twenty-one peers, ninety-six knights, eighty-six of the lesser gentry, a large number of citizens, merchants, sea- captains, and others, and fifty-six of the London companies in all, seven hundred and fifteen persons and organizations.