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Looking at it in a large way, I almost feel that it would be better for her to die than for you to give up; and feeling as I do" "Are you talking of Mrs. Maynard?" asked Grace. "They are all saying that you ought to give up the case to Dr. Mulbridge. But I hope you won't. I should n't blame you for calling in another female physician" "Thank you," answered Grace. "There is no danger of her dying.

He went forward to meet the doctor, who came up to shake hands with Grace, and then followed him in-doors to see Mrs. Maynard. Grace remained in her place, and she was still sitting there when Dr. Mulbridge returned without him. He came directly to her, and said, "I want to speak with you, Miss Breen. Can I see you alone?" "Is is Mrs. Maynard worse?" she asked, rising in a little trepidation.

He says he will go with me anywhere, and we can practise our profession together, and I can carry out all my plans. But first first he wants me to marry him!" "Who?" "Don't you know? Dr. Mulbridge!" "That I beg your pardon. I've no right to call him names." The young fellow halted, and looked at her downcast face. "Well, do you want me to tell you to take him? That is too much.

But when he had gathered her a bunch of the flowers she looked down at them in her lap, and said, "It's silly in me to be caring for lilies at such a time, and I should make an unfavorable impression on Dr. Mulbridge if he saw me with them. But I shall risk their effect on him. He may think I have been botanizing." "Unless you tell him you have n't," the young man suggested. "I need n't do that."

His profile cut against the sky was blameless; and a humorous shrewdness which showed in the wrinkle at his eye and in the droop of his yellow mustache gave its regularity life and charm. It occurred to her that if Dr. Mulbridge caught sight of Mr.

"Thank you. But I beg you to understand that they have no reference whatever to you in your own capacity character individual quality. They are purely professional that is, technical I should say disciplinary, entirely disciplinary. Yes, disciplinary." The word seemed to afford Dr. Mulbridge the degree of relief which can come only from an exactly significant and luminously exegetic word.

"Oh!" said Grace, realizing his natural error, with a flush. "It is n't in regard to myself that I wish to consult with you. It's another person a friend" "Well," said Dr. Mulbridge, laughing, with the impatience of a physician used to making short cuts through the elaborate and reluctant statements of ladies seeking advice, "what is the matter with your friend?"

Breen for a daughter," returned her son, in the same tone as before. "She wouldn't like me for a mother," Mrs. Mulbridge retorted. Her son laughed, and helped himself to more baked beans and a fresh slice of rye-and-Indian.

I couldn't take the responsibility of doing anything for her, and it was such a worry to stay and see everything going wrong, that when Miss Gleason came in I was glad to get away. Miss Gleason seems to believe in your Dr. Mulbridge." "My Dr. Mulbridge!" echoed Grace. "She talked of him as if he were yours. I don't know what you've been saying to her about him; but you had better be careful.

Breen is n't so bad not half so divine as Miss Gleason thinks her. And Mrs. Maynard does n't consider her surrendering the case an act of self-sacrifice at all." "I should hope not!" said Mrs. Mulbridge. "I guess she would n't have been alive to tell the tale, if it had n't been for you." "Oh, you can't be sure of that. You must n't believe too much in doctors, mother. Mrs.