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She told him that God loves every one. "Does he love Mr. Morrison?" he inquired. "Yes, God loves Mr. Morrison. He is grieved and offended by his wickedness, but he loves him. You know I love you, when you have done wrong, although I am sorry that you have been naughty. I do not cease to love you. The Bible tells us that while we were sinners, God so loved us as to send his Son to die for us.

Morrison reiterated his promise and dwelt hard on the "coward and guilty" part of his declaration. The chief of police waved his hand and the crowd parted obediently and the officers marched up the lane, four abreast. "Hold open that passage as you stand, fellow-citizens!" the mayor commanded. "There's more to this show! You haven't seen all of it! Hold open, I tell you!"

Morrison Mr. Walter's father sent the coffins round an how the men went on because they warn't good ones. Not a man would go down the pit till they was changed if a man got the life choked out of im, they thowt the least the masters could do was to give un a dacent coffin to lie in. But theer nobody helped me wi Jamie I buried him mysel an it wor all o the best."

'Don't monkey with the cop! Just as long as we obey that watchword we've got a good government!" Senator Corson was more infuriated by that bland preachment than he would have been by vitriolic insult. While he marched back to the table he prefaced his arraignment of Morrison by calling him an impudent pup. He dwelt on that subject with all his power of invective for some minutes.

Lieutenant Ferguson had received his promotion for the fight with the prahus, and had been appointed to the command of a gunboat whose captain had been invalided home. Lieutenant Hopkins was now the Serpent's first lieutenant, and Morrison was second.

"It wasn't pretentious and jejune at all!" said Morrison warmly, "but simply the most perfect metaphor of what must have been of course, I can see it from here the instinctive sane effort of a nature like yours. Let's all try to live in Athens so that there will be some one there to welcome in humanity."

And if you did see him, you wouldn't like him he's an eccentric of the worst brand," said Morrison tranquilly. "But monomanias need no foundation in fact " He broke off abruptly to say: "Is this all another proof of your diabolical cleverness? I started in to hear something about yourself, and here I find myself talking about everything else in the world."

In the name of Heaven, Billy Tasper, isn't there some man in this state big enough, broad enough, honest enough to get between the fools who are threatening this thing?" "He doesn't seem to be in sight at any rate, just now." She paused in her walk, hesitated, and then blurted, "What part is Stewart Morrison playing in all this?" "I see you have some news about him, too!" Mr.

"We all do foolish things sometimes when we are young, Mr. Narkom, and well, George Carboys was no exception when he wrote the little thing I have just burned. Let us forget all about it Captain Morrison is heir-at-law, and that poor girl will benefit." "There was an estate, then?" "Yes. My cable yesterday to the head of the Persian police set all doubt upon that point at rest.

But his old friends and former comrades-in-arms, Charles and Joseph McDowell, gave bond for his appearance at court; and Morrison, the sheriff, who also had fought at King's Mountain, knocked the irons from his wrists and released him on parole.