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Whoa!" called Freddie, as he had called to the race horse that had walked out on the track with him. "Whoa, pumpkin!" But the pumpkin kept on rolling! The little chap made a dive for it, missed it by a few inches, and then, falling over, he, too, rolled out under the tent and down the hill. Freddie was not quite so round as a pumpkin, but he managed to get a good start, and rolled over and over.

How happy, no doubt, that fellar that owned it a fellar with a regular job; a wife, maybe, and kids to swing in that there contraption under the mango; a fellar, as like as not, no better than himself; and yet ! "Jack," he said huskily to himself, "how the hell have you missed it all?" "Women and drink," came the answer. "Women and drink, Jack, my boy."

By the light of the hall lamp I could see that she was very pale. 'It missed by a mile. My nerves had not recovered and I spoke abruptly. 'Don't be frightened. 'I I was not frightened, she said, without conviction. 'I was, I said, with conviction. 'It was too sudden for me. It's the sort of thing one wants to get used to gradually. I shall be ready for it another time. I made for the stairs.

They would indeed probably have missed it, for the distance was fully a mile and a half; but before they had gone many yards one of the four men passed by them on a run on his way down to Marsden to summon the parish doctor, for a moment's examination had sufficed to show them that the boy's injury was far too serious to treat by themselves.

He struck out, missed, got a drum sounder in on the left ribs, right under the uplifted umbrella arm and the raised umbrella and then swift as light got in an upper cut on the whiskers under the left side of the jaw.

Both the Colonel and Means tried to rope him, and missed, and finally Loveless, on foot, caught him by the dangling reins. Of course such a thing might have been readily foreseen, but somehow it came as a surprise and opened up grave possibilities. That night in camp at "Rugged Rocks" we were gathered about the cook s fire for the warmth it gave, when the Colonel spoke of the affair.

He had been seen on the road leading to the house of a relative who was in rather poor circumstances Henry felt rather annoyed at his father's absence; he had no depth in his affection, but he had been accustomed to see him and hear his voice every day, and therefore he missed him, but consoled himself with the thought that they would soon meet again, as it never entered his imagination that his father had quitted the house for a lengthened period.

It must have been in this country, too not abroad or I'd remember her." "Maybe I haven't been as wild as you, Governor. This is a big country and I've missed a lot of disreputable joints." The former speaker smiled. "You have trained yourself to remember faces, Mallow. Your researches scientific researches, my dear Professor have led you into quarters which I have never explored.

We can still do so while our foes prepare themselves for battle, for it is not looked upon as cowardice by any one for a man to use forethought for himself and his men." King Olaf Tryggvasson's men now missed the ships that had sailed ahead. King Olaf replied loudly: "Tie together the ships and let the men prepare for battle!" for in those days it was the custom to tie the ships together.

Instinctively he threw his hand up for cover, then made a feint of clearing dust out of his eyes; but between his fingers he could see her still, moving, not with her free country step, but wavering, lost-looking, pitiful-like some little dog which has missed its master and does not know whether to run on, to run back where to run.