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I did mesilf proud. An' did they have the wagon? Sure they wud five policemen niver walked. Wan av thim might, av ut was handy-like, but five niver! Tell me, man, who else was at the party? No howld on a minut!" He interrupted himself, "Thim cops stimulate me mimory a bit. Was there not a bunch av sailor-men from wan av thim big ships?" The driver nodded.

He come in here Thursdah night to take his dhrink in quite; an' says I, 'Did ye march to-day? 'Faith, no, he says, 'I can get hot enough runnin' a wheelbarrow without makin' a monkey iv mesilf dancin' around th' sthreets behind a band. 'But didn't ye go out to decorate th' graves? says I. 'I hadn't th' price, says he, 'Th' women wint out with a gyranium to put over Sarsfield, the first born, he says.

"Sure, an' if Oi've got to go to say ag'in an' can't look afther the baiste mesilf, it's some 'un ilse Oi'll be afther givin' him to thet'll say to him aven betther nor mesilf!" "And who's that?" inquired the boatswain, with a laugh, noticing a flush come over Mick's face. "You know I'm interested in the monkey and have a sort of right to ask."

"An' what have I done, Miss Shadd," sez I, very bould, plantin' mesilf forninst her, "that ye should not pass the time of day?" "Ye've half-killed rough-rider Dempsey," sez she, her dear blue eyes fillin' up. "May be," sez I. "Was he a friend av yours that saw ye home four times in the fortnight?" "Yes," sez she, but her mouth was down at the corners. "An' an' what's that to you?" she sez.

I put him on his back an' bate him to death. An' thin I help mesilf to his watch an' chain an' me frinds come down an' say, 'Martin, ye haven't a scratch, an' con- grathlate me, an' I wandher ar-roun' th' sthreets with a chip on me shoulder till I look down an' see that I haven't a stitch on me but a short shirt. An' thin I wake up.

"''Twas that way I thought, mesilf, at first, Halloran says, with a big sigh, 'until I got to be a lettuce-eater. The fault's wid these tropics. They rejuices a man's system. 'Tis a land, as the poet says, "Where it always seems to be after dinner." I does me work and smokes me pipe and sleeps. There's little else in life, anyway. Ye'll get that way yersilf, mighty soon.

They say that lots o' young fellows are afther the daughter, for though the Drews are as poor as church rats, she's got such a swate purty face, and such innocent ways wid her, that I'd try for her mesilf av it wasn't that I've swore niver to forsake me owld grandmother."

Wanst, bein' a fool, I wint into the married lines more for the sake av spakin' to our ould colour- sergint Shadd than for any thruck wid women-folk. I was a corp'ril then rejuced aftherwards, but a corp'ril then. I've got a photograft av mesilf to prove ut. "You'll take a cup av tay wid us?" sez Shadd. "I will that," I sez, "tho' tay is not my divarsion."

Gin'ral Merceer raised his damp face, an' blew a kiss to a former minister at wan iv th' windows, an' resumed his tistimony." "'It was about this time or some years later, continues Gin'ral Merceer, 'that I received ividince iv th' Cap's guilt. I made it mesilf. In th' first place he was in Paris at th' time, in th' sicond place he was in London.

"The two that watch at night sleep half the time." "Sure, an' that's thrue for you, for I've seed thim at it whin I was asleep mesilf." "We can git Jericho to bar down the cabin door, Terry, an' then you an' I can seize the two on deck." "Aisy enough so it is. They'll all be dead asleep so they will."