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Don't, for Heaven's sake, let anybody know you were treated by an English girl in the way you were. Take my advice: say no more about it. 'And what business is it of yours? 'It isn't mine at all; that is why I am meddling with it. Aren't you well enough acquainted with me to know that nothing in the world pleases me so much as to interfere in other people's business?

"Well, I know one thing," declared Dick, more positively, "Grandpapa has always been meddling with Jasper, and you know it, papa." "That's because he expects great things from Jasper, and that he will hold up the King name; we all do," replied his father. Dick turned on an impatient heel. "And so he would have done, if you'd let him be a publisher," he declared.

His vows seem heavenly, but in meddling with state business he seems to mix heaven and earth together. His best elements are confession and penance: by the first he finds out men's inclinations, and by the latter heaps wealth to his seminary.

But the narrative was interrupted by the long mellow call of "Cuckoo!" "What's it mean?" chorused the birds. "Oh, that's his impudence," said the old owl, winking and blinking, for he had been roused out of his sleep by the new call. "Come now, that won't do; we don't want you meddling now, old mousetrap," said the birds; "none of your night-birds here."

"And what had I to do with this? Why, yes, gentlemen, I had the same right as every man that has a footing in his country, or that has a posterity to possess liberty and claim right, must have, to preserve the laws, liberty, and government of that country to which he belongs, and he that charges me with meddling in what does not concern me, meddles himself with what 'tis plain he does not understand."

"Dear friend," said he, "God preserve me from meddling with the affairs of others, above all from revealing secrets it may be to their interest to keep. When you see Aramis, he will tell you all he thinks he ought to tell you." "You are right, Porthos; and you are quite a padlock for safety. But, to revert to yourself?" "Yes," said Porthos. "You said just now you came hither to study topography?"

This is why the average theologue, in his first parish, is like the well-meaning but meddling engineer endeavoring with clumsy tools and insensitive fingers to adjust the delicate and complicated mechanism of a Genevan watch. And here is one of the real reasons why we deprecate men entering our calling, without both the culture of a liberal education and the learning of a graduate school.

She darted to the mantelpiece and replaced the photograph. She felt like some heroine of a fairy-story meddling with the contents of the giant's castle. Soon there would come the sound of a great footstep, thud thud . . . Thud. Jill's heart gave another leap. She was perfectly sure she had heard a sound. It had been just like the banging of a door.

I know from experience that if I were to allow your mother to come to Paris she would spoil everybody about me. She would finish the spoiling of Garat. It was she who ruined the Tribunate. I know she would promise wonders; but she cannot refrain from meddling with politics." " I can assure your Majesty that my mother does not now concern herself about politics.

It seems that the surgeons in charge of three hospitals had complained of her meddling, that colonels of several regiments had discovered her to be the author of letters to the home papers setting forth that neglect, abuse, and starvation were driving their men to desertion or the grave.