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The present gates of the city are: one, at the southeast corner, the Porta del Sole; two, near the southwest corner, where the wall turns up toward S. Martino, a gate now closed; three, Porta S. Martino, at the southwest corner of the town; on the west side of the city, none at all; four, Porta S. Francesco at the northwest corner of the city proper; five, a gate in the arx wall, now closed, beside the mediaeval gate, which is just at the head of the depression shown in plate III, the lowest point in the wall of the citadel; on the east, Porta S. Cesareo, some distance above the town, six; seven, Porta dei Cappuccini, which is on the same terrace as Porta S. Francesco; eight, Portella, the eastern outlet of the Via della Portella; nine, a postern just below the Portella, and not now in use; ten, Porta delle Monache or Santa Maria, in front of the church of that name.

It seemed to say, "Come and see." Journey to "Valleys" Dinner at Pignerolo Grandeur of Scenery Associations Bicherasio Procession of Santissimo Connection betwixt the History and the Country of the Vaudois The Three Valleys of Martino, Angrona, and Lucerna Their Arrangement Strength Fertility La Tour The Castelluzzo Scenery of the Val Lucerna The Manna of the Waldenses Populousness of the Valleys Variety of Productions The Roman Flood and the Vaudois Ark.

The Austrians were routed completely and retired east of Vallone, leaving, however, strong rear guards on Cima Debeli and on Hill 121, east of Monfalcone. The Italians also occupied Rubbia and San Martino del Carso and the whole of the Doberdo Plateau, reaching the line of the Vallerie.

The daughters looked like two little blond princesses: with rosy cheeks, eyebrows like two golden brush-strokes, almost colourless, clear blue eyes of a heavenly blue, and such small red lips, that on seeing them, the classical simile of cherries came at once to one's mind. The Countess of San Martino asked Caesar like a shot if he was married and if he hadn't a sweetheart.

Now at this he gave me a troubled look and fell to pacing to and fro. "A hard man and cunning!" quoth he, as to himself. "The Church ah, the power of the Church! Yet must I get you safe away, but how how?" "Nay, Don Federigo, never trouble." "Trouble, Senor? Ah, think you I count that? My life is yours, Don Martino, and joyfully do I risk it "

"In the morning by noon we ceased to be a caravan; Signor Harz took a mule path; he will be in Italy certainly in Italy. As for us, we stayed at San Martino, and my master went to bed. It was time; I had much trouble with his clothes, his legs were swollen.

The train of Martino Orsini was much more numerous than that of Adrian, which last consisted but of ten servitors. But Adrian's men attracted far greater admiration amongst the crowd, and pleased more the experienced eye of the warlike Knight of St. John.

In the meantime Domenico Giuntalodi, having gone to Rome, found Fortune so propitious that he became known to Don Martino, the Ambassador of the King of Portugal, and went to live with him; and he painted for him a canvas with some twenty portraits from life, all of his followers and friends, with himself in the midst of them, engaged in conversation; which work so pleased Don Martino, that he looked upon Domenico as the first painter in the world.

"Aye, she may float, Martino, so long as the sea prove kind and the wind gentle; aye, she should carry us both over to the Main handsomely, yes " "Never!" quoth I, mighty determined. "How then will ye deny me yet, fool? Wherefore would ye leave me here, curst Englishman?" "Lest you goad me into slaying you for the evil thing you are." "What evil have I wrought you?"

Together they proceeded to the cathedral of San Martino. At the porch Castruccio was received by the archbishop and the assembled clergy. He was placed in a chair of carved ivory, and carried in triumph up the nave to the chapel of the Holy Countenance. Here he descended, and, while he prostrated himself before the miraculous image, hymns and songs of praise burst from the choir."