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His expression when he maniacally yanks the bell cord is believed by his victims to be one of hellish glee; so they eagerly seek each morning for one little remaining trace of this. The tiniest hint would suffice.

But the canoe was already in mid-stream, and old Paul was pulling and pushing it up the river with an energy incredible at his years. "I will save my master," he cried, his eyes blazing maniacally. "I will save him yet!" Father Brown could do nothing but gaze after the boat as it struggled up-stream and pray that the old man might waken the little town in time.

Think what an agony life was to him, so constituted! his own genius a clinging curse! the fire and the clay in him seething and quenching one another! the man seeing maniacally in all men the assassins of his fame! and with the whole world against him, struggling for the thing that was his life, through day and night, in thoughts and in dreams ... struggling, stifling, breaking the hearts of the creatures dearest to him, in the conflict for which there was no victory, though he could not choose but fight it.

You've discovered after twenty years' wedlock that your husband's a man! and you're vexed: would you have him anything else? 'You're all in a story, she blubbered maniacally; 'there's no justice, nor feeling, nor succour for a poor abused woman; but I'll do it I will. I'll go to his reverence don't try to persuade me the Rev.

Her face, at all ordinary times so touching to look at, in its nervous sensitiveness, weakness, and uncertainty, became suddenly darkened by an expression of maniacally intense hatred and fear, which communicated a wild, unnatural force to every feature. Her eyes dilated in the dim evening light, like the eyes of a wild animal.

Lunatics were supposed to be afflicted with demons or devils which took possession of them as retribution for their sins, and in addition to the hopelessly or maniacally insane, medical science recognized only a so-called "partial" or delusionary insanity.

'A slight cold, he murmured and resumed the note, and threw himself maniacally into it. The unexpected figure of Captain Bulsted on tiptoe, wearing the ceremonial depressed air of intruders on these occasions, distracted our attention for a moment. 'Fresh from ship, William? the squire called out.

If the fierce, pure, deep, abiding love of a man for a woman is not a reality, what in this world of shadows is anything but vapour? I grasped it tight, hugged it to my bosom and now she was gone, and in my ears rang the derisive laughter of the enemy. Where would it end? What would happen next? Nothing was too outrageously, maniacally impossible.

It would seem that little Sampson sheltering himself behind his capitalists had refused to give the poet a commission for a comic opera, and Pinchas raved at Gideon, M.P., who he was sure was Sampson's financial backer, and threatened to shoot him and danced maniacally about the office.

Looking across the table at Larry in his neat evening clothes, he was growing a trifle stout these days, listening to his observations on the railroad service, or his suggestion that she should pay more attention to dress, Margaret felt that some day she must shriek maniacally. But instead her heart grew still and cold, and her blue eyes icy.