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"Aw'm a beamer," replied the old man, "a twister-in, when there's ought doin'. But it's nowt ov a trade neaw. Aw'll tell yo what ruins me; it's these lung warps. They maken 'em seven an' eight cuts in, neaw an' then. There's so mony 'fancies' an' things i' these days; it makes my job good to nought at o' for sich like chaps as me.

As a natural consequence this makes him somewhat jealous of his finely decorated cane, much more so than he is of his wife, that for her part gives him no motive for cultivating the yellow demon's acquaintance. Oh! what a chorus of silvery voices are calling me too, a savage!

What a pretty creature his partner is!" added Ursula, thoughtfully. "The children are growing up fast," I said. "Ay, indeed. To think that Guy is actually twenty-one the age when his father was married!" "Guy will be reminding you of that fact some day soon." Mrs. Halifax smiled. "The sooner the better, if only he makes a worthy choice if only he brings me a daughter whom I can love."

Our daughter is with us, permanently with us. She declares that she intends to be the prop of our declining years; she makes the statement often, and always as if it were humorous.

Whatever withdraws us from the power of our senses; whatever makes the past, the distant, or the future predominate over the present, advances us in the dignity of thinking beings. Far from me and from my friends be such frigid philosophy as may conduct us indifferent and unmoved over any ground which has been dignified by wisdom, bravery, or virtue."

But the intensity of the fault is not measured by the external act, but by the consciousness of it, and an act for which the conscience of one man suffers acutely makes scarcely any impression on the conscience of another.

Flashman forgets to explain what risk they ran, but he speaks to willing ears. Gambling makes boys selfish and cruel as well as men. "That's true. We always draw blanks," cried one. "Now, sir, you shall sell half, at any rate." "I won't," said Tom, flushing up to his hair, and lumping them all in his mind with his sworn enemy.

"Look ye, Neighbours, there's an old Proverb says, It is not the Hood which makes the Monk; the being born a Gentleman does not make a Man of Sense; and the being bred a Tradesman, does not deprive us of it; for how many great Men have leap'd from the Shop-board, sprung up from the Stall, and have, by patching and heel-piecing Religion and the State, made their Names famous to After-Ages?

On September 21st, 1668, Pepys makes mention in his diary of going to Southwark Fair, and of seeing the puppet show of "Whittington," which he says "was pretty to see." A Pantomime on the subject was also given by Rich early in the eighteenth century.

You've got your wish; enjoy it. I consider that you haven't a trouble in the world. 'Dear Edith, said Hyacinth, 'have you troubles? 'Why, of course I have small ones. Bruce has taken to having a different illness every day. His latest is that he imagines he's a malade imaginaire! 'Good gracious, how complicated! What makes him think that?