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'Such animals these women are! Good Lord! Fleetwood ejaculated. 'I marry one, and I 'm to take to reading medical books! He yawned. 'You speak that of women and pretend to love Nature, said Gower. 'You hate Nature unless you have it served on a dish by your own cook. That's the way to the madhouse or the monastery. There we expiate the sin of sins.

"No, not very far, M. Dagobert particularly on that side which is opposite to the madhouse, where Mdlle. de Cardoville is confined." "How did you manage to speak to that young lady?" "She was on the other side of an open paling, which separates the two gardens." "Excellent!" said Agricola, as he continued to hammer the iron: "we can easily pass from one garden to the other.

So Doc rattled about from penitentiary to prison and from prison to madhouse and out again, constantly taking appeals and securing writs of habeas corpus, and feeling mildly resentful, but not particularly so, that people should be so interfering with his business.

He called threateningly from the bottom of the stairs. "Do not hurt her, Mr. Willems. You are a savage. Not at all like we, whites." "You too!" said the bewildered Willems. "I haven't touched her. Is this a madhouse?" He moved towards the stairs, and Leonard dropped the bar with a clang and made for the gate of the compound. Willems turned back to his wife. "So you expected this," he said.

"The six weeks that finished last year and began this , your very humble servant spent very agreeably in a madhouse, at Hoxton." These are his words when writing to Coleridge. Mary Lamb had previously been repeatedly attacked by the same dreadful disorder; and this now broke out afresh in a sudden burst of acute madness.

"But delusive ideas, sir, are the motives of the greatest part of mankind, and a heated imagination the power by which their actions are incited: the world, in the eye of a philosopher, may be said to be a large madhouse." "It is true," answered Harley, "the passions of men are temporary madnesses; and sometimes very fatal in their effects. From Macedonia's madman to the Swede."

"Very good, sir. Thank you." He had made an understatement when he talked about "those people" dying. Europe was a madhouse. In selfdefense all strangers were instantly put to death and in retaliation the invading throngs spared no native.

Ultimately, Stanton was confined in a madhouse by relatives who wanted to secure his property; and from the madhouse he was offered, but refused, release by Melmoth as a result of some bargain, the nature of which was not revealed. After reading this story, John Melmoth raised his eyes, and he started involuntarily as they encountered those of the portrait.

She is at present in a madhouse, from which I fear she must be moved to an hospital.... My poor father was slightly wounded, and I am left to take care of him and my aunt.... God Almighty have us well in his keeping!" Lamb assumed the tender care of his sister, and his watchfulness and loving care are more beautiful than the most charming essay he ever wrote.

This fine old country seat of which I vainly think myself the mistress, is just the pauper madhouse to which the magistrates have sent me. This fine old military officer whom I call uncle is the head doctor. The servants who come at my call are the keepers. "There is no figure out of my past life in my present one except Herbert Greyson.