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Always remember, in the case of an applicant from another city, that when a man says he doesn't like the town in which he's been working it's usually because he didn't do very well there. You want to be just as careful about hiring boys as men. A lot of employers go on the theory that the only important thing about a boy is his legs, and if they're both fitted on and limber they hire him.

Even Satan smiled, even the Jewish elders were lightly affable as they made pretendedly fierce gestures at the squat patient hay-bales. Tim, the hatter, danced a limber foolish jig upon the deck, and McGarver bellowed, "The bon-nee bon-nee banks of Loch Lo-o-o-o-mond." The crowd bawled: "Come on, Bill Wrenn; your turn. Hustle up with that bale, Pete, or we'll sic Bill on you."

The gun crews thus organized will give most effective service for the detachment. Ammunition: Each limber carries 9,840 rounds cal. .30. Four limbers, 27,360; necessary reserve, 32,640; total, 60,000. Tentage: Two conical wall-tents for enlisted men; one 'A' wall-tent for officer.

Then she saw him untie the queer "gun" on his saddle, pull it out of a case and her eyes got big with wonder take it to pieces and make it into a long limber rod. In a moment he had cast a minnow into the pool and waded out into the water up to his hips. She had never seen so queer a fishing-pole so queer a fisherman. How could he get a fish out with that little switch, she thought contemptuously?

Snake doctors, limber, long insects with bronze bodies and filmy wings, went back and forth like small living shuttles. Other buzzards passed and repassed, but the squire waited, forgetting the cramps in his elderly limbs and the discomfort of the water in his shoes. At length he heard the bell.

The sky was clear as yet, a windless, hot day. Gibbon joined him. "What next?" said Gibbon, as Penhallow clambered up and stood a tall figure on the limber of one of Cushing's guns, his field glass searching the valley and the enemy's position. "Isn't it like a big chess-board?" "Yes their skirmishers look like grey posts, and our own blue. They seem uneasy."

'So this is the heir of the Senator Maximus, said Bessas, much as he might have spoken of viewing a horse that interested him. 'What is his name? 'Basilius, my lord, replied Marcian, with grave respect. 'And what is he doing? Why does not a limber lad like that serve the Emperor?

"There's nothing like a good stretch to make a person limber," she often remarked. Of course, in order to climb trees, or spring successfully at a rat or a mouse, Miss Kitty had to keep her muscles supple. And since it happened, now and then, that others jumped unexpectedly at her, she believed in always being ready either to chase or to be chased.

He can screw up for a prayer-meetin', or he can screw down for business when he's a mind, but, as Jimmie over there says, 'the divil a different pace can you put him through. I like monkey-wrenches! I'm only sayin' they aren't as limber as willa-trees." No response from the Colonel, who was making the chips fly.

Then we heard that an E.F. canteen had set up house about a day's trek to the south-west, whereupon a limber went forth and returned on the third day heavily laden with tins of fruit, biscuits, various meats, and something in bottles that maketh glad the heart of man, especially if he has a Palestine thirst. Most of us had one from Egypt in addition.