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When she saw Moran leering at her, the color fled from her cheeks, in a panic of fright which left her unable to speak or move. She was looking very pretty and dainty in a cool, fresh gown, which fitted her neatly, and her sleeves were rolled up over her shapely forearms, for the task of housekeeping which she had assumed.

Frances grew restive under his leering smile and forced gaiety. She searched M'Gill sharply with her look. "You didn't gallop out of your way to tell me this," she said. "What do you want of me?" "Oh, just to say how-de-do!" declared the fellow, still with his leering smile. "And to wish you a good journey." "What do you know about my journey?" asked Frances, quickly.

Antipater, tall and erect in exomis of plain gray, right arm and shoulder bare, walked in the centre of the front rank. Traitors of the betrayed council were there beside him. Slowly they about to die came forth and stood in even rank and bowed low before the king. Herod beat his palms upon the golden rail before him and muttered hoarsely. Then with raised finger and leering face he taunted them.

At first Carterette was inclined to run towards the prophet-like figure it was Ranulph's father; next she drew back with dislike his smile was leering malice under the guise of amiable mirth.

She saw through the mist over her eyes, Lysander Letts leering menacingly at her. She sat very still and held her breath. If she let it go, her heart would break. "Stronger'n God's," were the only words she remembered. Then, if that were true, and Frederick had said it then then, nothing nobody could take from her this brimming cup of disgrace and destruction.

Room after room; the endless succession of the stooped, silent toilers; old, young; men, women, children. And most pitiable of all, the leering, shameless looks of invitation cast upon us by the women, as they saw two well-dressed men pass by them. It was not love, nor license, nor even lust; it was degradation, willing to exchange everything for a little more bread.

Had he been able to do this at their first meeting he would have been satisfied; if he were able to do it now he would be pleased. "It's none of your business what I thought," he said, leaning over the table and leering at her. "I'm goin' to run things to suit myself, an' if you an' your grandpap an' your brother don't like my style you can pull your freight, pronto. I'm goin' to boss this ranch.

He closed his eyes again, and began to writhe and mutter strange words. Suddenly he cried plainly, "Curse the swine! Another wedge, ye damned chicken-heart!" He looked at me again, and this time made out who I was, and cursed loathsomely in his disappointment. "D'ye know where y're going?" he ended, leering wickedly. "No," said I. "Blast ye! I wish ye did!"

Kit, having been apprised by letter of his mother's intended return, was waiting for her at the coach-office; and great was his surprise when he saw, leering over the coachman's shoulder like some familiar demon, invisible to all eyes but his, the well-known face of Quilp. 'How are you, Christopher? croaked the dwarf from the coach-top. 'All right, Christopher. Mother's inside.

Some day, he was saying to himself, he'd make a hell of a lot of money and live in a house like that with Mabe; no, with Yvonne, or with some other girl. "Must have been immoral, them guys," said the private in Aviation, leering at the girl in the dirty blouse.