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I 'lowed him an' you'd git on peaceable as a meetin' to 'lect a preacher," Lysander rubbed his gnarled hand over his face, as if to erase a lurking grin, "but he didn't seem anxious." "I reckon not. Is that all he said?" "'Bout all. He said it was a damned good trade." "Lysander!" Mrs. Sproul sprang up, placing herself between her husband and the heap of slumbering innocents in the corner.

And mark what followed. Lo! The daughter of Pharaoh becomes his mother. The house of Pharaoh his asylum! The learned Magi of that hostile empire, his instructors! And all to fit him for the work for which heaven designed him. * * Hunter Vol. ii. Lect. xviii.

Thus they trace all the languages back to certain roots, which are more or less common to the different groups of languages. To the question that now arises How did these roots originate? the linguists give us three different answers. I, Lect.

Jung, C. G., "Morton Prince, M. D.: 'The Mechanism. etc., A Critical Treatment;" Jahrbuch fur Psychoanalytischen Forshungen, 1910-11. Freud; See page 81, on symbolical method. Emerson, R. W., "The Poet," Complete Works, Vol. III pp. 34-5. Freud, "Interpretation of Dreams," p. 243. Russell, Bertrand: Lowell Lectures, 1914; Cf. Lect.

You-alls better get a hustle on right now an' 'lect a jedge. If I goes back to Dallas an' tells this story of how you-alls ain't got no jedge nor no law yere, they won't let this Plaza Paloduro get close enough to 'em in business to hand 'em a ripe peach.

"'You can gamble, if anybody's plumb aware of these yore trooths, it's me, says Texas Thompson. 'When I'm down in the South Paloduro country, workin' a passel of Bar-K-7 cattle, I aids in an effort to 'lect a jedge an' institoot reg'lar shore-'nough law; an' the same comes mighty near leavin' the entire hamlet a howlin' waste. It deciminates a heap of our best citizens.

Brown thinks that we can logically disprove the existence of motion by the hare and tortoise argument, and should therefore disregard logic. Brown's Lectures, , p. 167, Lect. xxvi. Lecture xxv. This question as to whether Brown had or had not grossly misrepresented Reid and other philosophers, led to an entangled argument, in which Mill defended Brown against Hamilton.

This yere grows from a business transaction; an' the effort tharfrom to improve on present conditions, institoot a reign of law, an' lect a jedge. "'Which the comin' of a miscreant named Cimmaron Pete, from some'ers over near the 'Doby Walls, is the beginnin' of the deal.

'Tell ye, dat ar' boy honors his fader and mudder, ef he don't do nuffin else, an' dat's de fus' commandment wid promise, Ma'am; an' to see him a-settin' up ebery day in prayer-time, so handsome, holdin' Missus's han', an' lookin' right into her eyes all de time! Why, dat ar' boy is one o' de 'lect, it's jest as clare to me; and de 'lect has got to come in, dat's what I say.

"'Soon's Clay's e lect ed. "'Ahem, ahem! "'What's the matter, Sukey? "'Sposing he ain't e lect ed? "We came away." Verily, Monsieur De Tocqueville, you are in the right democracy is an inherent principle.