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Still, they have no moral right to enslave human beings." "There is always the element of doubt. Maybe they didn't know. After all, an impartial court declared the Lani alien and the Betan mutation isn't known throughout the Brotherhood." "One doesn't go around broadcasting data on the variations of one's germ plasm," Brainard said. "That's a private affair a matter of personal privacy."

We Lani know about these things. In forty generations I am the first to conceive as the Master intended." "I hope you haven't," Kennon said with such bitter sincerity that Copper looked at him wide-eyed. "Not now. Because if you have, neither your life nor mine is safe." "Why?" "The Alexanders. Do you think they'll take it lying down? We're not ready for them yet.

The Lani are too valuable for that. We'll need them more than the money they'd bring on the market. You see I've acquired a planet out on the periphery. A place called Phoebe. One of our ships found it, and I staked a discovery claim on the major land mass, and the crew made lesser claims that covered all the available land. Last month the Brotherhood allowed the claims.

He's gotten himself mixed up with one of the Lani. Cute little thing by the name of Copper," Blalok said. "Oh that's it. I thought that was what he was hiding. A picture of a girl kept popping up." Alexander chuckled. "I suppose that's the trouble. A man hardly likes to look a fool, particularly to someone who has warned him. At that, I don't blame him. They are beautiful and affectionate.

The court rendered an interim decision that the Lani were nonhuman, and armed with this, Grandfather prepared the final tests which were run by a team of court-appointed medics and biologists, who made in vitro and live tests on a number of Lani female prisoners. The tests ran for over two years and were totally negative. So the Alexander family acquired Flora and the Otpens, and a legal status."

And Kennon learned the Lani version of creation, of the first man and woman, cast out of Heaven for loving each other despite the Master's objection, of how they came to Flora and founded the race of the Lani.

The Lani sitting on the couch opposite the door leaped to her feet, her mouth opening in an O of surprise. Her soft snow-white hair, creamy skin, and bright china blue eyes were a startling contrast to her black loincloth and halter. Kennon stared appreciatively. Her effect on Alexander, however, was entirely different. His face darkened. "You!" he snapped. "What are you doing here?"

A circular pool, festooned with lacelike Halsite ferns, stood in the center of the room, surrounding a polished black granite pedestal on which stood an exquisite bronze of four Lani females industriously and eternally pouring golden water from vases held in their shapely hands. "Beautiful," Kennon said softly. "We like it," Alexander said. "We?"

The fact that she wasn't human had nothing to do with the importance of her attitude. "I suppose there is a reason," he agreed. "But I don't know it. I haven't been here long enough to know anything about such things." She nodded. "That does make a difference," she admitted. "Many new men are bothered at first by the fact that we Lani are naked, but they adjust quickly. So will you."

Douglas looked at him, "I wouldn't take one of them out unless I had him shackled and there was an armed guard to help me. Those males are the most vicious, cunning, and dangerous animals on Kardon. They exist with but one thought in mind to kill!" Kennon looked curiously through a barred door at one of the Lani.