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The court rendered an interim decision that the Lani were nonhuman, and armed with this, Grandfather prepared the final tests which were run by a team of court-appointed medics and biologists, who made in vitro and live tests on a number of Lani female prisoners. The tests ran for over two years and were totally negative. So the Alexander family acquired Flora and the Otpens, and a legal status."

Now get out of here and get packed. You're leaving tomorrow morning." "But cousin Alex " "Move! I'm tired of the sight of you!" Alexander said. Douglas turned and shambled out of the room. His ego was thoroughly deflated and he seemed more frightened than before. Obviously the Otpens weren't the pleasantest place in this world. "They're a military post," Alexander said.

Except for Flora and the Otpens there isn't a land area for nearly three thousand kilometers in any direction, and since the company owns Flora and the surrounding island groups there's no reason for shipping to come there. We have our own supply vessels, a Discovery Charter, and a desire for privacy. Ah! It won't be long now. There's the Otpens!"

"I've never seen anyone so frankly predatory," Kennon said. "She worries me." "They'll all be gone tomorrow except for Eloise," Alexander said with mock comfort. "Douglas is on the Otpens for a year, and the others are off somewhere." "You'll be staying, I suppose." "No I'm afraid I can't." "I hoped you'd help me get organized. This whole thing has been something of a shock.

A vague curiosity filled him. He'd never been on the Otpens. He wondered what they were like. Otpen One was a rocky tree-clad islet crowned with the stellate mass of a Class II Fortalice. But this one wasn't like Alexandria. It was fully manned and in service condition. "Airboat!" a voice crackled from the dashboard speaker of the jeep, "Identify yourself! You are being tracked."

I believe in doing one job at a time and my contract reads veterinary service, not personal problems. The job comes first and there's work to do." Copper wasn't in sight when Kennon came back to the hospital a fact for which he was grateful. He packed quickly, threw his bags into the jeep, and took off with almost guilty haste. He'd contact the Hospital from the Otpens.