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"Oh, dat Shanghai rooster got away jest as I were shuttin' him up in de cage, an' I'se been runnin' all ober de garden after him. 'Pears laik he doan't want t' go t' Mars." "Wait a minute and I'll help you," volunteered Jack. "Come on, Mark," he added. "Washington's pet has got away."

Eradicate thought for a moment, and then said: "Well, I done turned on de current, laik I seen you done, Massa Tom." "Yes, go on. You connected the telephone." "Yas, sah. Den I switched on that flyer thing yo' all has rigged up." "You switched on the amplifier, yes. Go on." "An' an' den I plugged in dish year wire," and the colored man pointed to one near the top of the booth.

"Land sakes, chile! what yo' gwine t' do now?" asked the colored cook. "Make a kite, an' take Snoop up in de air laik yo' brother Bert done once?" "No, we're not going to do that," answered the little boy. "We're going to cover a hoop with paper, and make Snap jump through it, like in a circus." "Mah goodness mustard pot!" cried Dinah. "What will yo' all be up to next?"

We ain't goin' neah de Amerzon riber at all. We's gwine away down in de middle part of South America. It's a place suffin laik Gomeonaway or Goonaway, or suffin' laik dat." "Oh, yes; I know where you mean!" and Andy could hardly conceal the note of triumph in his voice. He had the very information he wanted from the simple colored man.

Did yo' eber see dem Australian black mans what go around wid a circus t'row dem crooked sticks dey calls boomerangs?" "Yes, I've seen them." "Well, Boomerang, mah mule, am jest laik dat. He's crooked, t' begin wid, an' anudder t'ing, yo' can't never tell when yo' start him whar he's gwine t' land up. Dat's why I calls him Boomerang." "I see. It's a very proper name.

I done heard de most, tremendousness conglomeration of disturbances in de direction ob my domesticoryian orinthological specimens, an' I runned ober to see what it were." "You mean that something was after your chickens?" asked Mark. "Dat's de impression I done endeavored to prognostigate to yo', but seems laik I ain't understood," replied Washington with an injured air.

When he gets a bit owder, he can laik at sodgers wi' it. "I've coom aat o' t' trenches an' am enjoyin' a rest-cure behind t' lines; so don't thou worry thisen abaat me. I'm champion, an' I've nowt to do but eyt an' sleep an' write a two-three letters when I've a mind to; and what caps all is that I'm paid for doin' on it.

He were lyin' all curled up, laik he were asleep, an' when I seed him, I didn't stop t' call him t' dinner, yo' can make up yo' minds t' dat all." "Can you show us the place?" inquired Jack. "Yais, sah, massa Jack, dat's what I kin. I'll point it out from dish yeah winder, but I ain't g'wine dar ag'in; no, sah, 'scuse me!" "Well, show us then," suggested Mark.

Sometimes he's restless, an' don't sleep laik he oughter." "Then that wasn't you over in the orchard?" asked Tom, in some uneasiness. "No, sah, I ain't been in de orchard. I were sleepin' in mah shack, till jest a few minutes ago, when I got up, an' went in t' see Boomerang. I had a dream dat some coon were tryin t' steal him, an' it sort ob 'sturbed me, laik."

I knowed we would!" fairly yelled Washington, leaping to his feet. "I knowed dat no old meteor could kerflumox us! Perfesser Henderson he done jumped our boat ober it laik a hunter jumps his boss ober a fence. Golly! I'se feelin' better now!" "How did you avoid it?" asked Mark of the professor. "With the help of the repelling machine and by changing our course. But we did it only just in time.