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But the name Hare suggested nothing to me, not till after I had left her at Singapore. So I shall go back with you. But please let Kathlyn continue to think of me as a man who earns his own living." "God bless you, my boy! You have put a new backbone in me. It's hard not to have a white man to talk to, to plan with. Ahmed expects that we shall be ready for the return in the morning.

Kathlyn, who had by this time regained much of her old confidence and buoyancy, declared that she must be first to cross the bridge. She gained the middle, when she felt a sickening sag. She turned and shouted to the others to go back. She made a desperate effort to reach the far end, but the bridge gave way, and she was hurled into the swirling rapids.

Misery, degradation . . . then he smiled. He knew Kathlyn Hare. If he did not come to her aid quickly she would be dead. Now, when Umballa took her into his house, Kathlyn was determined to reveal her identity. She had passed through the ordeals; she was, in law, a queen, with life and death in her hands. "Do not touch me!" she cried slowly in English. Umballa stepped back.

The leopard leaped into the cart at the rear, while Kathlyn ran toward the chief's hut, into which she staggered without the formality of announcing her advent. The father of the child had no need to question, though he marveled at the white skin and dress of this visitor, who had doubtless saved his child from death. He flung the door shut and dropped the bar.

He ordered his captain of the guard to proceed at once to the house of Ramabai and learn if they were there, or had been. The captain salaamed and departed with his men. As Bruce and Kathlyn reached the door leading into the house they were met by Ramabai, whose face was grave. "Ah, Mem-sahib, you ought not to have come out here. You might be seen."

But did it cause him to think with pity of the agonies he had caused them? Not in the least. When Ahmed rejoined his people Kathlyn was leaning against her father's shoulder, smiling wanly. "Where is Umballa?" cried Bruce, seizing Ahmed by the arm. "On the way to the palace!" Ahmed laughed and told what he had accomplished. Bruce raised his hands in anger.

Did they dream of trapping him in this childish fashion? By now twenty or thirty of his paid men were drawing a cordon about the camp. All of them should pay the full penalty for this act. What mattered a few ropes? He was rather puzzled as to the reason of their leaving his right arm free. Next, the curtains were thrown back, and Kathlyn stood revealed.

A snarl from the leopard, answered by a growl from the collie, brought Kathlyn's head about. The cat leaped, but toward Winnie, not the collie. With a cry of terror Winnie turned and ran in the direction of the bungalow. Kathlyn, seizing the leash, followed like the wind, hampered though she was by the apron. The cat loped after the fleeing girl, gaining at each bound.

He greeted Ramabai cordially, struck his hands and ordered out the servants to take charge of what luggage there was and to lead away the elephants to be fed and watered. Courteously he asked Kathlyn how she had become injured and Ramabai acted as interpreter.

"Take the lion's share when we did all the work!" "Swine!" "I will give it all to you!" whined the whilom chief, mad with terror. "And knife us in the back when we sleep! No, no! You have kicked and cuffed us for the last time!" Bruce picked up one of the rifles and drew Kathlyn farther into the cave. "Get behind me and crouch low. They'll come around to us presently."