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For the summer boats were already running, and, on the broad piazzas of the Oriental they could safely meet. It was so easy for Madame Raffoni to pilot the incognito diva by the railway to the Manhattan Hotel. A double veil and a judiciously fringed sunshade would make Irma Gluyas impregnable to the flaneur. "Alas!

Fritz Braun smiled as he received the proofs of the Hungarian's treachery. And then, Lena sang over her drudgery for the next week, for the grateful Braun had filled her hand with gold. There was a strange gleam of contentment in Irma Gluyas' eyes when she followed Fritz Braun, two weeks later, into the train for Breslau.

Proud of her brother, Irma read parts of her letter to her friend, leaving out, with a quick sense of what was fitting, every unhappy reference to Jack French; but the little lady was keen of ear and quick of instinct where Jack French was concerned, and Irma's pauses left a deepening shadow upon her face. When the letter was done, she said: "Is it not good to hear of Kalman doing so well?

I've forgotten just what the style was. We are gallant knights, going forth to battle, wearing Marjorie's colors, and Mignon will have to look out or she'll be reformed before she has time to turn up her nose and shrug her shoulders." "Suppose we start by being as nice to her as we can in school to-morrow," proposed Irma Linton thoughtfully.

Once or twice during the last day or two, when she had sat stitching, she caught herself singing softly to herself, and once she knew for certain that she had smiled. Then the day came when Andor called at the house. Irma fortunately was out, having coffee and gossip with a friend. No doubt he had watched until he was sure that she was well out of the way. Then he knocked at the door and entered.

Finally Miss Cross called over, “For land's sakes, two of you girls stop singing!” Since Irma and I were the only two of the three to understand her, we made Christian martyrs of ourselves and let Lucia have the floor. Miss Cross was concerned once as to how I happened to know so many hymns. Green earrings do not look particularly hymny.

He was passionately in love with her; therefore she could do exactly as she liked. "It mayn't be heaven below," she thought, "but it's better than Charles." And all the time the boy was watching her, and growing up. She was reminded of Charles by a disagreeable letter from the solicitors, bidding her disgorge a large sum of money for Irma, in accordance with her late husband's will.

But I knew different, and besides, I had a constant and consuming desire for a house of mine own, however small. Ever since I first knew Irma, a dream had haunted me. In days long past it had come, when I was only an awkward laddie gazing after her on the Eden Valley meadows.

"What did you bring Béla home with you for?" said the mother ungraciously, speaking to her daughter and rudely ignoring the young man, who had thrown his hat down and drawn one of the chairs close to the table. At Kapus Irma's inhospitable words he merely laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, Irma néni!" he said, "this is the last Sunday, anyhow, that you will be troubled with my presence.

But I had counted without two somewhat important factors Miss Irma, and Miss Seraphina Huntingdon.