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Oh, we're a cheerful team to drive! But I have my excuse ready. The fact is " Here, catching sight of Dr. Beauregard, Mr. Rogers stopped short. "I fancy," said the Doctor, amiably, turning to Captain Branscome, "your friend has not his excuse so ready as he supposed. Doubtless he'll impart it to you later on. Meanwhile, I would suggest that we take him along with us."

Stoute, this is a question of discipline; and higher considerations than those of merely personal comfort and security should be brought to bear upon it. It would be impossible for me to impart to my pupils a knowledge of that noblest language of the historic past, if they are to be permitted to leave the class when they choose to do so. I shall refer this matter to Mr. Lowington for his decision.

It will be an additional recommendation of particular manufactures where the materials for them are extensively drawn from our agriculture, and consequently impart and insure to that great fund of national prosperity and independence an encouragement which can not fail to be rewarded.

"Who enters here unannounced and at this hour?" "One who has important information to impart to the government," was the quiet reply. "But why seek this manner of audience?" "For reasons, Excellency, that will soon appear." "How did you pass the guard unchallenged?" "Do not mind that for the present, Excellency." "But I do mind it very seriously." "It can be explained by and by."

What sort of a fizzle would it have been if I hadn't been on hand to impart distinction to the occasion?" "I don't begrudge 'em their liquor," said Mahaffy with acid dignity. "I do," interrupted the judge. "I hope it's poison to 'em. "It will be in the long run, if it's any comfort to you to know it." "It's no comfort, it's not near quick enough," said the judge relentlessly.

"Do not say so, madam," cries Amelia; "I assure you I have long suspected there were some very remarkable incidents in your life, and have only wanted an opportunity to impart to you my desire of hearing them: I beg, therefore, you would make no more apologies." "I will not, madam," cries Mrs.

"'Then, said I, 'Don Pedro, do me the favour to call upon me this evening at my convent, and I hope to have some pleasing intelligence to impart. I then left him, to come here and acquaint you with the joyful discovery." "But why did you not bring him here immediately?" cried Donna Celia. "Madam, I have important duties at my convent which will occupy me with the superior till late at night.

There are few persons who are unable to converse, and converse well too, when their feelings are enlisted and they labor under no restraint; and very few persons so dull and stupid as to fail to receive or impart instruction from conversation with others.

I reckon any of the other gangs would be better fer you when you ain't goin' it alone." Apparently that exhausted the fund of information and advice Stevens had been eager to impart. He lapsed into silence and lay with closed eyes. Meanwhile the sun rose warm; the breeze waved the mesquites; the birds came down to splash in the shallow stream; Duane dozed in a comfortable seat.

There was a sound of whispers and a murmuring. "Did Mrs. Casti impart to you her suspicions of the prisoner as soon as she missed the first of these articles alleged to be stolen?" "Yes, she did." "And did you give any advice as to how she should proceed?" "I told her to be on the look-out."