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Half an hour went by, during which Smoke was inactive, then he placed ten dollars on "34" and won. "A hunch!" Shorty whispered. "Nothing of the sort," Smoke whispered back. "It's the system. Isn't she a dandy?" "You can't tell me," Shorty contended. "Hunches comes in mighty funny ways. You might think it's a system, but it ain't. Systems is impossible. They can't happen.

"Because he is yellow and she is white doesn't make it ours. I've just had a hunch. And I believe in following hunches, especially when one hits you good and hard, and this one has given me a jolt that means something. Where is that big fat brother of hers?" McDowell hesitated. "It isn't a liaison," he temporized. "It's one-sided a crime against "

These hunches were to him, working in the dark as he was compelled to, very much what whiskers are to a cat. They could not be called an infallible guide. But they at least kept him from colliding with impregnabilities. Acting on this hunch, as he called it, he caught a Great Northern train for Minneapolis, transferred to a Chicago, Milwaukee & St.

Why had he been given so fine a mind? Why always favored financially, personally? He had not deserved it earned it. Accident, perhaps, but somehow the thought that he would always be protected these intuitions, the "hunches" to act which he frequently had could not be so easily explained. Life was a dark, insoluble mystery, but whatever it was, strength and weakness were its two constituents.

Hunch number three: ain't no hunch at all. It's a cinch. If one and two is right, then flour just has to go sky-high. If I'm riding hunches one and two, I just got to ride this cinch, which is number three. If I'm right, flour'll balance gold on the scales this winter. I tell you-all boys, when you-all got a hunch, play it for all it's worth. What's luck good for, if you-all ain't to ride it?

On occasion I sure get fooled on mine. The thing is to try an' find out." Smoke shook his head. "That's a statistic, too, Shorty. Most men prove wrong on their hunches." "But don't you ever get one of them streaky feelin's that all you got to do is put your money down an' pick a winner?" Smoke laughed. "I'm too scared of the percentage against me. But I'll tell you what, Shorty.

The two huge humps or hunches upon its back form a sufficient token by which to identify the species. It is found in Persia and the adjoining countries; but in no part in such numbers as in the middle zone of Asia in the Taurus, and to the north of the Himalaya Mountains.

The whimpering of one of his unkenneled "hunches" merged into what seemed an actual voice of inspiration to him. He gathered together what money he could; he arranged what few matters still remained to engage his attention, going about the task with that valedictory solemnity with which the forlornly decrepit execute their last will and testament.

Thorstan Black told Thorstan Red that he feared the worst. "The trustiest woman!" he said. "She has stood by me in sickness and health for twenty years and now she turns her back on me hunches her poor shoulders and will take no comfort from me. That's a sure sign of the sickness. You distrust your old friends first." "Is that the way of it?" said our Thorstan, with fear in his heart.

"Not quite," says Mr. Robert. "That is, I'm a little vague as to my exact status myself. I assume, however, that I've been put on probation, as it were, until we become better acquainted." "And you're standin' for that, Mr. Robert!" says I. He hunches his shoulders. "Miss Hampton has taught me to be humble," says he. "I don't pretend to understand her, or to explain her.