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I wanted to open that door for 'em, so I climbed up by the scullery roof, an' the ivy, an' the drain-pipe, an' I tried to get down the chimney. I didn't know which one it was, but I tried 'em all an' they were all too little, an' I tried to get down by the ivy again but I couldn't, so I waited till you came an' hollered out. I wasn't scared," he said, fixing them with a stern eye.

And he hollered out agin, "Why hain't there any Hall's salve?" Sez I, "Because old Hall has been dead for years and years, and hain't made any salve." "Wall, he wouldn't have been dead if he had had any care took of him," he yelled out. "Why," sez I, "he wuz killed by lightnin'; struck down entirely onexpected five years ago last summer." "Oh, argue and dispute with a dying man.

Well, wen de Lord sont atter 'im fur ter finish uv 'im up, de angel couldn't fin' 'im, caze he didn't know de zack spot whar de Lord sot 'im; an' so he hollered an' called, an' de nigger he wuz 'sleep, an' he nuber hyeard 'im; so de angel tuck de white man, an' cyard him 'long, an' de Lord polished uv 'im off.

But something seemed to urge me to ride in the other morning, and when I arrived Con Brown hollered to me he had a telegram. When I read it, I didn't lose any time answering, and I made Con promise to rush it." "Con's our telegraph operator," explained Bill. "Come on in and change your duds and then we'll look the ranch over."

I run across him in the woods about an hour or two ago, and he said if I hollered he'd cut my livers out and told me to lay down and stay where I was; and I done it. Been there ever since; afeard to come out." "Well," he says, "you needn't be afeard no more, becuz they've got him. He run off f'm down South, som'ers." "It's a good job they got him."

But not even old Hell-Fire Packard could get him any further. "Yes, I called," grunted the old man. "I hollered my head off at you. I want to know what you foun' out. Let's have it." Guy Little made his little butler-bow. "Your word is law, m'lord," he said, once more rigid and unbending.

Of course us Goshen folks was mad, too, because Sam didn't git the blue ribbon; but we had to laugh, and the town folks and the Simpson folks they looked like they'd split their sides. Old Man Bob Crawford jest laid back on the benches and hollered and laughed till he got right purple in the face. And says he, 'This beats the Kittle Creek babtizin' all to pieces.

Old Man Curry paused, tantalisingly, and rummaged in his pockets for his fine-cut. The Bald-faced Kid squirmed on his chair. "It was a trick that nobody but a jockey would ever have thought of, son. Caley taught the colt to stop whenever a certain word was hollered in his ear.

I hollered for an hour, but I could hear no reply, and then I war still a bit, and then I hollered again, an' kept this up pretty much for the hul o' that blessed day. "Thar wan't any answer but the echo o' my own shoutin', and the whoopin' of the owls that flew about over my head, and appeared as if they war mockin' me. "I had no behopes of any relief comin' from home.

"What if I do?" "Wall, I thought then, that, when you got high-headed and haughty on any subject agin, mebby you would remember that pass, and be more modest and unassuming." He riz right up, and hollered at me, "Throw that pass in my face, will you, at this time of year?" And he started for the barn, almost on the run. But I didn't care. I wus bound to break up this idee of hisen at once.